Valentine's 2016 Mini Create Challenge
I guess it's March, so time to dish out some points for this task. Slight smile I am sad that I didn't have time to do anything for some points myself, as I do think keeping the quality of the Wiki decent is valuable for our community. On the other hand, I see that not many others jumped at it even with the promise of Chip Cup points
as an encouragement, so either the most everyone disagrees with me or the task was not to people's liking. On the third hand, I did throw together this thread because it was easier than making a Treasure Hunt level and still wanted to provide a way to earn the (secret) Trittany award for participating in a Valentine's competition. Anyway, our astounding list of entrants is...

Ihavenoname248 - 4
Chip Cup points
for editing Get a Clue, Checkers, Flame Thrower, Vulcan. Plus you earn the Trittany award too! Thanks for participating.

Did I miss anything/anyone? Any other issues that need commenting? Now I need to find a few minutes to post my thoughts and results of the recent Create Comp... look for those soon!


Messages In This Thread
Valentine's 2016 Mini Create Challenge - by M11k4 - 14-Feb-2016, 3:44 AM
Valentine's 2016 Mini Create Challenge - by M11k4 - 09-Mar-2016, 1:12 PM

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