Winter 2015 Mini Create Challenge - Story Time
It is time for another Mini Create Challenge! This time you don't even need to build a level to participate, instead you must create something else that is closely related to CC levels. What could that be?

To participate in this competition, follow these steps:

1) Pick a level from either CCLP2 or a custom set you did not design.

2) Come up with a story surrounding that level. Why is Chip here? What is the point of the level? Is there are larger story in the set, and how does this one level fit into that?

3) Write either a prologue or epilogue or both for this level that could appear in the ccx file for the set. (These are the pages that appear either before or after playing a level that can tell the story.)

4) Post your work here in this thread. Be sure to state which level it is for.

5) Read and comment on other players' creations. Slight smile

Chip Cup points may be awarded up to 5 points per participant as follows:

- 1, 2, or 3 points depending on the quality, excitement level, inspiredness, originality, poetry, story, and other (random?) qualities of the work.

- 1 point if the level in question is from CCLP2 and your work may be used in the ccx file for CCLXP2.

- 1 point if your first submission is submitted in January.

The Chip Cup points will be awarded at the beginning of April, so expect none if you submit stuff after March.

Don't hesitate to ask about anything! There probably are many details I am not covering here. One that comes to mind, is that you may enter more than once, but will receive Chip Cup points for your best one. Anything else?


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Winter 2015 Mini Create Challenge - Story Time - by M11k4 - 06-Jan-2015, 3:59 AM

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