October 2014 Survival Competition - Perpetual Motion
Results time. We had five people participate, as you may have already noticed from the Chip Cup thread summary. Only one person entered in Lynx, and his time was far apart from the rest that I am not going to to do any adjusting calculations on the score to match actual real time spent playing since it wouldn't change the order. Some of the solutions are pretty long, so I haven't uploaded any of the solutions yet for others to view, nor have I actually watched most of the solutions through completely. Thank goodness for Tile World 2's rewind feature which allowed for a quick examination of the strategies used. I think one could argue that each participant had a separate approach, so I'll break them down individually from the quickest to the longest solution.

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There you have it. Congratulations to the winner, who is now awarded his eponymous award! However, in his submission email he stated "No reward necessary", which I interpret to mean the avi solution to an unconfirmed record. I feel it's fair to pass this reward to the next person, so dear Mr. 2nd place you may start pestering JB about getting an avi Slight smile Other participants also get the Left 4 Chip award. Thank you all for participating!


(PS. Ihavenoname248 also is the sixth person to receive the unofficial Golden Apple-pie-award for placing second in a competition where pieguy participated!)

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October 2014 Survival Competition - Perpetual Motion - by M11k4 - 18-Nov-2014, 8:03 AM

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