CC1 Alternate Victory
Quote:See file at

Score: 5,920,440 -72500 for Thanks To... = 5,847,940. Slight smile

Edit: This should be titled Old School. Sorry for the confusion.

Quote:I have finished the set too. My final score is 5,824,690.


Quote:I've finished the set too, but I'd prefer not to post my TWS on here for various reasons. Slight smile

I've seen you post all your CC1 Lynx scores, so that's enough to give you the award.
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]

Messages In This Thread
CC1 Alternate Victory - by Syzygy - 26-Sep-2014, 3:29 PM
CC1 Alternate Victory - by chipster1059 - 26-Sep-2014, 6:47 PM
CC1 Alternate Victory - by jblewis - 30-Sep-2014, 9:49 AM
CC1 Alternate Victory - by AdrenalinDragon - 30-Sep-2014, 5:44 PM

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