January 2014 Create Competition - Simple Template
mobius, yes replace the 'at' and 'dot' with @ and . to get through. Typing it out normally in a forum like this can increase spam to that address as bots search for email addresses. I do strive to reply and confirm I've received each submission, so if you send something in and don't hear from me, you can also try the PM feature here on the forum.

On that note, I have received two submissions already! Good job guys! I haven't looked at the levels myself, because there's a chance I might submit my own entry. You can still send in updates or other levels while the competition is open. You also may rename the file you submit to include your name, but that's optional.

There's a time trial opening up soon!

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January 2014 Create Competition - Simple Template - by M11k4 - 04-Jan-2014, 4:25 AM

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