Looking for feedback on SexyFrogs: levels 1 & 2
Hi Miika,

First, I want to thank you for taking the time to write such a comprehensive review!...and, I definetly wouldn't hate you for it, since you only expressed your frustrastion with your attempt.

Second, I do agree with you that if you haven't finished playing all the levels in the CCLP1 packs, that, that is where you should put your time. I did mention (origainlly) that I was making the levelset available for those players that had already completed their voting and were waiting for some other CC stuff to do, etc -- and that, the level was mostly for elite player as well as being dedicted to JB for all of his hard work with the CCLP1 project.

I do agree with you that in this case, it would have been better to NOT have opened an editor, but rather scurry around and find out what you can....the level is a derivative of another level called: "Audacious Scavenger Hunt" - which should (by that name) indicate that a player would have to "hunt around" to find items, and find out what is involved with solving the level, etc.

In regards to all the blue walls: I like the color of blue walls better than gray...and, if you think about it, it would NOT make sense to have FAKE WALLS in ANY of those locations where there are blue walls. (I think that there are only 2 fake walls in the whole level- and it should be reasonable to see why those two are fake walls -IN THOSE PARTICULAR LOCATIONS

To be honest with you Miika, at certain times, it appeared to me that you were mocking the level (1) and me.

For instance: you mentioned flicking a block into the water at (6,20)! Why would you even suggest that? -- since that can't be done.

Then too, you mentioned (probably from you looking at the editor) that there are about 14 trap buttons --which would seem confusing. Well, yes it could, IF you tried to figure out the level by looking at the editor first. I admit that the level is quite a complicated level, ( in terms of what it takes to get the monsters to do all that they do automatically) But, the player doesn't need to see all of the "mechanical aspects" of the level, to play it!!

Now, if you were playing the level, without first looking at the editor, you wouldn't be so overwhelmed..because there is only one trap button at (6,15) that Chips can get to (initially). Plus, the hint tile (at the start) specifically says that to activate the monsters, Chips must push a block onto a trap button (which you should be able to see at 14,13 -by going to 11,14 -which by the way, if you had looked around the level, while playing it (FIRST), you would realize that there is ONLY ONE trap button where a block COULD BE PUSHED onto a trap button - in the early stages of the level.

One of the main OBSTACALES of the level is that the player has to BE WILLING TO TAKE THE TIME to look around, as far as it is possible -to see as much of the layout, as is possible, and then, take it from there. It is also true that much of the level is blocked off unitl the first couple of keys are found - which then, opens up most of the remaining areas of the level. So, if you are in a hurry, that may also explain why you feel the way you do about it.

00:22 and 00:232 yes, it should make sense that -- doing that would not be the right thing to do, so why even do it?

It seems to me that most players would know not to take an item when they alreay have one.

OK, since you are frustrated with the level and feel that you don't know if it is worth putting all your time into figureing it out, you can take a look at MikeL's avi of level #1 ---by going to the NewsGroup at the date 9/6/13.

There is a link there that you can use to see how the level works. It isn't as bad (I don't think) as you are making it out to be...but, I am probably biased, of course.

I've taken your added thoughts (at the end) to heart, and want you to know that I very much appreciate reading about your points of view, (and, I am defintely not made at you) Thanks again!!


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Looking for feedback on SexyFrogs: levels 1 & 2 - by thinker - 19-Sep-2013, 1:13 PM

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