The awards I may qualify for...
P.S. Please don't close this topic - I probably will not get as many awards as the rest of you, but I'd nonetheless keep the hope alive.

#1. Call it what you want -

- Please read it!

#2. Spyro the Dragon -

- It's crude, but I think it's okay (BTW - I didn't find any pinkish tile, so I had to use yellow instead)

#3 - Psst - or

- Do they count? I noticed you didn't have a solution for these yet (though I doubt only one in a billion will actually need them Tongue)

#4 - Super Chip -

- This is not mine, but the award calls for 'uploading', not 'creating', right?

nI'jaj yInlIj 'ej bIchepjaj!
- budugoo

Messages In This Thread
The awards I may qualify for... - by budugoo - 27-Aug-2013, 10:17 AM
The awards I may qualify for... - by random 8 - 27-Aug-2013, 11:42 AM
The awards I may qualify for... - by budugoo - 28-Aug-2013, 10:28 AM
The awards I may qualify for... - by budugoo - 31-Aug-2013, 5:23 AM

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