February 2013 Time Trial - a creative revisit
So what did I do last weekend? I played these two cool levels! Now I want to share them with you too!


I could wait till we get last month's results, but couldn't think of any other reason to not already post these since the month has already begun. There are two levels this month (levels #2 and #3 in the set), and they might be familiar ones if you have been keeping track of the create competitions. Both of these levels were submitted last year for a create competition, but I thought they would work well also as TT levels. The first one is actually one of my own making, from a year ago for the volcano themed January competition. The second one was made by Ben Hornlitz for the September competition and is used here again with his kind permission. Though the second one also received a minor edit, my level had a bit more work done to it, so please use the versions provided here.

If you know the routine, that's all you need to know. Enjoy!

Here are more details if you need them:

1) The person with the highest combined remaining time on the levels #2- #3 wins! Once again you may enter in either Lynx or MS, with the latter being the primary rules (meaning that any lynx solution times that exceed the best MS solution time will be considered equal to that MS time, but otherwise all the times will be compared together in one category). Ties in overall score won't be broken.

2) Please send your solutions (either the tws file or avis) to me at valeosote at hotmail dot com. Do not post your solutions or solution times or share them with others. All times will be published at the same time, and the quickest solutions will eventually be released.

3) The levels shouldn't be too hard to solve. Don't be afraid to send in your solutions even if you sense they aren't perfect, and simple casual solutions are also appreciated. To give an idea of how long it might take to solve the levels, the optimal solution for the first level does not exceed one minute, and the second one can be done in about two to three minutes.

4) This is part of the new 2013 season of the Chip Cup. Winner will be awarded 15 points, second place 12 and so on. If you win a competition here for the first time, you receive the "You're Winner!" award. All participants who haven't participated in a time trial earlier receive the "Run, Chip, Run" award.

5) Submission deadline is at the end of the month. In practice this means I will post here during the first week of March announcing that no more submissions will be accepted, and judge the competition right then. This can happen sooner than you hope, so get your solutions in early rather than later! You can send in improvements while the competitions is running, so there is no downside to sending in something you know might not be your best effort if you had forever to work on it.

Report any problems or ask any questions here! Have fun!


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February 2013 Time Trial - a creative revisit - by M11k4 - 04-Feb-2013, 8:28 AM

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