ajmiam's Debut Levelset--Pit of 100 Tiles
This set looks like a lot of fun, but sadly, I'm getting a "Corrupt or inaccessible CHIPS.DAT file" message. Slight frown

EDIT: 1.007 is the latest version that works for me, so I guess I'll at least start playing in that version.

CC1, CC2, CCLP1, CCLP2, JBLP1, Pit of 100 Tiles: Complete!
CCLP3: (exact progress lost to the sands of time, will have to try again at some point)

CCLP4: 30/149
The Other 100 Tiles: 75/100
Jacques.dat: 109/986

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ajmiam's Debut Levelset--Pit of 100 Tiles - by Alan Redgown - 01-Jul-2015, 9:50 AM

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