ajmiam's Debut Levelset--Pit of 100 Tiles
Playing it in tile world (I have to because of running a 64 bit OS), and some levels that have had hint tiles have not had it show up at all. I don't remember what levels, I'll have to look.

And a disclaimer: These are just what I think. Take it with a grain of salt - or, several.

Level 59 was an awesome level. I like nonlinear levels, and this was good even for those.

Level 60 was me getting blobbed to the face multiple times on the last few chips I needed, but otherwhise fun.

I have no idea how I got level 61 on the first try in 25 seconds, but I did. This was neat.

Level 62 was one of the best I've played so far in the set. It's one that I'd absolutely vote for in CCLP1.

Level 63 was a good level, but it didn't have anything to make it stand out. Oh, and it's busted - you can take a block and use it to bridge to the exit instead of going through the blob room.

Level 64 is, well, another of these grid-like levels. Unfortunately, this one stretches the concept on a bit too long and I didn't like it as much as the others. May I sugjest spacing the gliders in the lower right out further? That room was harder than the rest of the level and it didn't feel like it belonged.

Level 65 was creative and fun.

The first half of level 66 was very fun and intresting, but the second half (with the blocks) stretched on for too long and lost a bit of its charm. Overall, I'd still rate the level above average for the set.

Level 67 was intresting and fun, but the concept has been used too much and it was almost too easy - may I sugjest you add more chips? Not a huge number more, but add maybe 20 more throughout the level. If you make it some sort of pattern or design, it'd be even better still.

Level 68 was creative, and yes, I died to the bug in the chip hallway.

Level 69 is one of the best levels I've seen in a long time, and I can say that not only would I vote for this level in CCLP1 but that it would have a good shot at actually getting in. However, do remember that I do not have a crystal ball and can't see the future - don't quote me on this in a year.

Level 70 was fun. I did die a lot, but none of them felt cheap. This is a very well designed level.

Level 71 was tricky, but it hit that sweet spot between difficulty and simplicity that results in a really good level.

Level 72 was fun, but the concept felt like you didn't really explore it completely and it felt like the level was cheated of potential.

And I'm about to start playing level 73, so I'll let you know what I think later.

Overall, this set continues to be quite fun.
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ajmiam's Debut Levelset--Pit of 100 Tiles - by Lessinath - 13-Feb-2012, 5:17 PM

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