On Chip's Challenge, you know the teleporters? Well, I tried them out on the editor yesterday and noticed that they act different on both the Microsoft and Lynx versions of the games. I did a teleporter-1 ice tile-teleporter pattern in loads of rows, and the Microsoft version did the teleporters correctly by making a pink ball go through them one by one downwards facing east, but on the Lynx version it just kept going through the same row of teleporters over and over again! What's up with that? Raised eyebrow
[Image: tsjoJuC.png]

Messages In This Thread
Teleporters - by AdrenalinDragon - 11-Jan-2012, 11:21 PM
Teleporters - by geodave - 12-Jan-2012, 6:48 AM
Teleporters - by quiznos00 - 12-Jan-2012, 2:53 PM
Teleporters - by M11k4 - 12-Jan-2012, 9:08 PM

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