Holiday Create 2017/2018 - Stop, Collaborate, and Listen
Sorry for the delay in posting the results!

We had 4 levels submitted for this competition by 7 unique participants. There were a few additional people who expressed interest in participating, but who unfortunately had to back out due to a lack of time to commit to a competition like this. Overall I'm happy with how things went - everyone who submitted levels seems to have enjoyed the experience and had a lot of fun, which was the point after all Slight smile

I had a hard time judging this one, as all four levels were enjoyable. Without further ado...

4th place:

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3rd place:

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2nd place:

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1st place:


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Congratulations to all and thank you for participating! It sounds like everyone had fun collaborating with others, and perhaps there will be more such competitions in the future. I will post the levels (and team write-ups) when I wake up.

Messages In This Thread
Holiday Create 2017/2018 - Stop, Collaborate, and Listen - by James - 23-Mar-2018, 5:05 AM

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