ZK4 Feedback
Quote:Just going to clear up a misconception here- a good level for optimizing is not necessarily one that has a lot of force floors and ice for boosting. A good level for optimizing will generally have a lot of options for ways to approach certain areas, or have the main solution be complex enough that figuring out the best way to do each step is a challenge. Or both! This may mean lots of sliding tiles, but some of the most enjoyable and challenging levels I've worked on have had very little to do with boosting.

Oh and it's a good level Tongue
Like I said before I am not too much of an optimizer; I always thought that boosting was mandatory for optimizing.

Messages In This Thread
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 1:17 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by Ihavenoname248 - 10-Sep-2017, 1:30 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 1:39 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 12:06 PM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 9:32 PM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 13-Sep-2017, 12:06 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by Flareon350 - 13-Sep-2017, 3:41 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 13-Sep-2017, 1:08 PM

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