ZK4 Feedback
Part 2 of my feedback


16. I like how the block slide works and a clever use of a tooth monster.

17. Amazing level that has a sequential order and that's what I like. However the block checkerboard in the 3rd section can be a issue.

18. I really like how the level looks in the map and it would be kind of cool to see a real town square like this.

19. This is an okay level.

20. Fun puzzles rolled into one level, the first room reminded me of the glider section from "Mudpie"

21. This is also an okay level you just got to be good at precise shifts from force floors but it is not too bad.

22. Level concept reminds me of amjiam's "52 Pick Up" and I feel that we need more levels of this concept cause it makes a great puzzle.

23. I remember seeing this in the CCLP4 voting and the ending has a great mechanism. One of my favorites my the set.

24. Tank levels are sort of fun as long as they're not "Think Tank" ish. Despite the name though I appreciate the pink balls and the fireballs that make a mix in the level.

25. Nice horizontally symmetrical level. Bumping up from the force floors onto the wall from the ice slide makes the process faster.

26. Simple ice maze to search for the exit.

27. I do like the way the level works but the level aesthetic kind of makes it difficult for the eyes. Well, I was using the Tile World tile set but in the regular old MSCC tile set this would've looked cooler.

28. Vanishing Act from CC1 wasn't one of my top favorites but it was a simple one. I find this Vanishing Act to be a lot more creative since it uses boots instead of the typical invisible walls and dirt. Plus, I do appreciate that 2 of the rooms have appearing walls that makes it a little easier as well as adding a twist to the original concept.

29. Another level that has fun puzzles rolled into one and the fact that there is a short supply adds an extra layer to the puzzle.

30. Although you get a second chance and the fact that there were no hot blocks near the exit I still do not like guesswork no matter how big or small the level is. The fact that there were no hot blocks near the exit is highly appreciated though.

Messages In This Thread
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 1:17 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by Ihavenoname248 - 10-Sep-2017, 1:30 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 1:39 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 12:06 PM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 10-Sep-2017, 9:32 PM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 13-Sep-2017, 12:06 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by Flareon350 - 13-Sep-2017, 3:41 AM
ZK4 Feedback - by mmoraleta - 13-Sep-2017, 1:08 PM

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