Fusion Pack - Discussion
  • #20 (Kamizake): [which is how it's spelled in the actual levelset] - Curious how the voting site got the spelling correct... Doesn't it extract the level titles out of the .dat file?
  • #37 (Imperial Elevator): Disappointing to carefully collect all the chips in the first 7 rooms and then find that you didn't need them all when you reach the last room. I think all the chips should be required if this level is going to be in CCLP4.
- Madhav.

Messages In This Thread
Fusion Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 16-Aug-2016, 1:31 AM
Fusion Pack - Discussion - by chipster1059 - 10-Oct-2016, 5:58 PM
Fusion Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 29-Oct-2016, 12:05 PM
Fusion Pack - Discussion - by KeyboardWielder - 01-Nov-2016, 10:55 AM
Fusion Pack - Discussion - by quiznos00 - 01-Nov-2016, 11:16 AM
Fusion Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 06-Jan-2017, 4:49 AM

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