cloning chip glitch
To complete a level, you have to exit with as many players as are initially in the level, this includes characters on clone machines. To have a playable Chip or Melinda, you need to clone once. To finish the level without the playable character going into an exit, you need to clone a second time, either in a different direction and therefore onto an exit, or transport the new character in a different direction than the initial clone, e.g. by switching a force floor direction Slight smile

With 3 playable players however you can change between the different players, and the one on a clone machine will be in the rotation. If you select this Chip or Melinda as a player, you will be stuck...

Messages In This Thread
cloning chip glitch - by mobius - 27-Apr-2016, 6:03 PM
cloning chip glitch - by chipster1059 - 27-Apr-2016, 7:40 PM
cloning chip glitch - by _H_ - 29-Apr-2016, 8:01 AM
cloning chip glitch - by mobius - 01-May-2016, 4:54 PM
cloning chip glitch - by chipster1059 - 01-May-2016, 5:43 PM

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