Tile World 1.3.1
I've been toying with the code a bit, and I'm going to release the current version as Tile World 1.3.2:


Unlike the last one, this is a feature release instead of a bugfix release. Eric's comments got me thinking, and so I've stolen three features from TW2.

First, I've added the <F> command to rotate the "random" force floor starting direction under Lynx.

Second, I've added an init file for persisting user-controlled settings between runs. Right now it stores the volume control and the current levelset.

The final new feature is a little bit of an experiment, and I'll be interested in getting people's feedback. I've added the ability to define messages between levels, as with the CCX files in TW2. Of course, TW2 actually displays a full-on HTML widget. Messages in Tile World 1.3.2, however, are just plain text. There's support for formatting paragraphs and line breaks, but that's it. That's good enough to support the gist of the messages that come with the CCLPxsets -- but of course that means that Tile World can't just use the existing CCX files directly. The message contents need to be extracted from the HTML and formatted appropriately. (Although the formatting for Tile World's new message files is really trivial.)

I've translated over the message files for the CCLPs and uploaded them (along with the updated dac files to use them). You can download it from here:


Unfortunately, I of course cannot distribute a message file for the texts from the original levelset.

I do like the idea of having the ability to define interstitial messages (like the "decade" messages in the original game). Is it worth adding to Tile World, even though it's necessarily incompatible with TW2's CCX files? I'm curious what people think.

In any case, I think 1.3.2 is worth downloading just for the volume setting being persisted.

Messages In This Thread
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 24-Jul-2015, 8:48 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by random 8 - 25-Jul-2015, 3:47 AM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 25-Jul-2015, 11:21 AM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by Eric119 - 25-Jul-2015, 1:46 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 25-Jul-2015, 2:20 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 10-Sep-2015, 11:22 AM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by geodave - 10-Sep-2015, 3:03 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 10-Sep-2015, 10:47 PM

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