CCLXP2 Busted level
Quote:Really? I didn't even know odd-step existed in Lynx.

Believe it or not, Lynx actually has eight different steps: even, odd, and then six others titled "even+1", "even+2", "even+3", "odd+1", "odd+2", and "odd+3". (In MS, there are two possible states while you are playing a level: either teeth and blobs will move on their next turn; or they will wait one move and then move. In Lynx, there are eight possible states: teeth/blobs will move on the very next tick; teeth/blobs will wait one frame and then move; teeth/blobs will wait two frames and then move; etc.)

Pressing O before a level will shift the step offset by four (which will take you from even <-> odd just as in MS), and pressing shift+O will shift the step offset by one in case you need precision.

Also, I had a discussion about the initial step in CCLXP2 Teeth with Miika a few months ago:

[8/13/2014 11:26:59 PM] James Anderson: also, the impossibility of the start in even-step is kinda...meh

[8/13/2014 11:54:30 PM] James Anderson: why not just start with the toggle wall closed, and open it after a little bit?

[8/13/2014 11:55:23 PM] Miika: Because then the level would work differently in MS. In theory, the current version works the same in the same way as the original.

[8/14/2014 12:00:32 AM] Miika: I'm sure if I wanted to, I could come up with a way that the step didn't matter, but personally I liked this little twist Slight smile

[8/14/2014 12:01:18 AM] Miika: I thought it brought something new to the level, and still was in the flavor of 'get out of there at the last possible moment and you'll survive'

Messages In This Thread
CCLXP2 Busted level - by Syzygy - 20-Oct-2014, 2:38 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by James - 21-Oct-2014, 3:17 AM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by KeyboardWielder - 21-Oct-2014, 12:47 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by chipster1059 - 21-Oct-2014, 6:37 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by Ihavenoname248 - 21-Oct-2014, 7:37 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by James - 21-Oct-2014, 9:33 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by Syzygy - 22-Oct-2014, 4:31 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by Ihavenoname248 - 22-Oct-2014, 5:48 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by Flareon350 - 22-Oct-2014, 10:34 PM
CCLXP2 Busted level - by M11k4 - 25-Oct-2014, 2:10 AM

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