Winter 2014 Super Time Trial - Housecleaning
Quote:Are we allowed more time to improve our times on the "January" levels during February?

I was actually coming here to announce some stuff regarding this. You will still be able to report times for these first levels in February, but if you did not send in any submissions in January, your score for the first levels will be halved. You might get away with informing me of an intent to participate, but that is stretching your luck. Basically, send in your solutions now, and then you will have less to worry about next month, but if you do have more time then you can still take part in the fun!

More info on the levels for February to come... when it actually is February.


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Winter 2014 Super Time Trial - Housecleaning - by M11k4 - 31-Jan-2014, 7:59 AM

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