Winter 2014 Super Time Trial - Housecleaning
...And it's February! I have added the info in the first post on which levels to play for February. Maybe some of you already guessed what they may have been, as they all came from the same set as January's levels.

Now I have to confess a secret agenda I had in running this competition and choosing these levels to use. I want to post a high score table for all the Time Trial levels that have been used over the years, and to do that I needed some base scores for all the levels. This means I wanted to use the levels from months that had not received any entries, as well as the one month when the results weren't announced because the person running the competition left the community. Hopefully you guys agree that this will be a fun goal to reach!

Which actually brings up an odd point: even after using ten levels for the competition, I'm still left with two levels for which I do not have any solution times. These two are levels 14 (Mechanisms
) and 17 (Time Limit
), both of which are not solvable in Tile World and were used in the October 2010 Time Trial. If someone wants to solve these in MSCC and report a time, that would be great! An avi would be even better! But let's first concentrate on the levels that are actually in the competition this month Slight smile

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Winter 2014 Super Time Trial - Housecleaning - by M11k4 - 05-Feb-2014, 12:58 PM

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