CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions
The second batch of videos is now up and live. Slight smile

Episode 3, levels 32,34,35:

Levels and scores in this video:
CC1#32 - Scavenger Hunt - 379 (bold, ms-0)
(On the Rocks skipped)
CC1#34 - Cypher - 297 (bold, ms-0)
CC1#35 - Lemmings - 563 (bold+7, ms-14) LIVE!
(new record)

Episode 4, levels 36-44:

Levels and scores in this video:
CC1#36 - Ladder - 239 (bold, ms+7)
CC1#37 - Seeing Stars - 584 (bold, ms-13)
CC1#38 - Sampler - 452 (bold, ms-10)
CC1#39 - Glut - 17 (bold, ms-0) LIVE!

CC1#40 - Floorgasborg - 192 (bold, ms-3)
CC1#41 - I.C. You - 166 (bold, ms-6)
CC1#42 - Beware of Bug - 187 (bold, ms-0)
CC1#43 - Lock Block - 118 (bold, ms-8)
CC1#44 - Refraction - 140 (bold, ms-6)

That's it for today! I've got the next two already recorded, but I have to see if I can improve the audio on those before I want to post them.

Messages In This Thread
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 25-Sep-2013, 5:39 AM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 04-Oct-2013, 1:15 AM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 10-Oct-2013, 7:56 AM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 14-Nov-2013, 8:34 PM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 19-Nov-2013, 2:45 AM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by mobius - 06-Dec-2013, 5:54 PM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 22-Dec-2013, 12:11 AM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by mobius - 23-Dec-2013, 11:07 PM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by M11k4 - 12-Feb-2014, 5:24 AM
CC1 Lynx videos of quickest solutions - by mobius - 17-Feb-2014, 6:18 PM

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