March 2013 Create Competition - Short and Sweet
A year ago we had our most attended create competition, when the theme was to keep it compact in a small area measuring just 9 x 9 tiles. Now it's time to test another aspect of keeping a level small, but instead of limiting the area, we will limit the time needed to complete the level. There is more than one reason for a level to have a relatively short time limit, but which approach will you take?

The task, should you accept it, is to create a new level with a time limit of at most 60 seconds.
This does not mean the fastest possible solution should take 59 seconds, so please use your judgement on what type of a level benefits from this time constraint. Keep in mind that a good level will be enjoyable to many types of players.

Additional notes:

-Submissions are open as long as it is March where you live!

-the level must be solvable.

-the level does not need to work in both ms and lynx.

-the level must be new; it must not have been released earlier.

-you may submit more than one entry, but please keep the levels distinct from each other.

-points will be deducted for late entries, but will be accepted until a notice is posted in this thread.

-do not cheat. At anything. Ever.

-ask about other unclear situations.

Extra credit: write about 100 words describing your creation and the process you went through to make the level.

Submissions will be judged in the beginning of April 2013
. If there are at least four entrants, we might have a public vote on how to rank the levels.

In addition to the normal prizes (the "You're Winner!"-award, Chip Cup points, and "Tool Box"-award for first time entrants), the winner will receive a SURPRISE REWARD
which will be announced later! And no, it is not that you can pick a name for our dog. (That was already won by Michael last year, and our dog is now called Jigsaw.)

Email and attach your submissions to valeosote at hotmail dot com

List your username and this competition in the subject. Keep it short and simple, something like: "March Create - James"

Everyone is welcome to join!


Messages In This Thread
March 2013 Create Competition - Short and Sweet - by M11k4 - 04-Mar-2013, 6:03 PM

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