March 2012: Treasure Hunter competition
Quote:If 1 tenths of a second is possible to record, then yes. I think that will be better than the 5 second per point rule. Maybe the number of squares each player has touched could be an option perhaps?

It took me a while to figure out what you meant, but I guess I was the reason for the ambiguity. When I wrote 5/10, I didn't mean "five tenths", but "five or ten", refering to how many seconds have scored a point in the past. In any case, I think we all agree that forcing a strict "better time = better score" system isn't a good idea, but having the time factor in the score somehow isn't all bad. I like the ten second rule, and it would work even better if compared to the best submitted time.

And on counting how many tiles are visited, please no. It just makes it too complicated to look for the best route. It would actually be worse than judging by time down to a tenth of a second, if you think about it. Besides, a level designer can fill the level with chips to mimick this effect to some extent, so it all depends on the level.

Messages In This Thread
March 2012: Treasure Hunter competition - by M11k4 - 24-Mar-2012, 12:26 AM
March 2012: Treasure Hunter competition - by M11k4 - 24-Mar-2012, 6:33 PM
March 2012: Treasure Hunter competition - by ajmiam - 14-Apr-2012, 10:54 PM
March 2012: Treasure Hunter competition - by M11k4 - 22-Apr-2012, 10:58 AM

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