Lexy's Labyrinth, a web-based CC1 + CC2 emulator
Whoops, I haven't updated this thread in half a year. At this point a changelog is meaningless so here is where things stand with what I'm arbitrarily calling 2.0:
  • Everything is better in every way
  • Everything is implemented and the game basically works; remaining divergences from CC2 are incredibly obscure and unlikely to make levels unbeatable
  • The default ("Lexy") rules are more similar to Steam rules now, but still fix some buggy behavior like getting stuck out of sync on force floors or getting caught on monsters when carrying a hook
  • 99% compatible with Steam rules (syncs all CC1 replays, all CC2 replays, all but six CC2LP1 replays, and the vast majority of CC2LP1-Voting)
  • 93% compatible with Lynx rules (syncs, well, 93% of the Lynx TWS; a lot of the remaining issues are quirks with teleporting that are hard to fix under the CC2 model)
  • Incredibly not compatible with MS rules but you can make monsters run into fire if that's nostalgic
  • Mobile interface is vastly improved and much more likely to fill your screen rather than shrink the game to the size of a postage stamp
  • There is an ending screen rather than simply crashing
  • Best clock, best real time, and best score are tracked separately
  • Includes a (not quite complete) set of custom levels, Lexy's Lessons, that act as a whirlwind tour of the entire game for new players
  • Has some extra (non-blocking) visual effects, like a smoke puff when changing or opening some kinds of terrain, teleporter + transmogrifier flash, and a non-blocking explosion for bowling balls that are dropped against walls
  • Has a budding CLI for running a bunch of replays automatically
  • Editor has undo, selection tool, rotate/flip selection or entire level, floodfill tool, visible monster directions
  • Editor can rearrange, clone, or delete levels in a pack
  • Editor can export to a zip of C2G + C2Ms
  • Editor can export to CCL/DAT (if possible) and has like 20% support for editing manual button connections
  • More experimental tiles, including a skeleton key, colored sokoban blocks (similar to CC3D), a glass block which allows for moving and cloning items, one-way thin walls, door-like gates that can sit atop any terrain

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RE: Lexy's Labyrinth, a web-based CC1 + CC2 emulator - by eevee - 25-May-2021, 8:30 PM

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