CCGaagle Level Pack
Hello everyone.
I was so excited after find out the Chip's Challenge Level Designer program.
And I'm using it to create level pack for entertainment instead of hard puzzle.
I decide to finish when the package reach 100 levels. However currently it has 12 levels. And I'm waiting for more inspiration to create new level.

The Rule of this package:
- Each level have multiple finish points and can be win in many ways.
- The more cheating, the more absolute win.
- Collect winning way as much as you can.
- No complex mono matrix level.
- Have some interesting zone to replay just for fun.
- Contain hidden funny bug to discover.
- Able to manipulate the monsters to the hilarious point.
- No need to be played in level order.

List of level and password:
1 - Welcome Back, Kid   : YEAH
2 - Lesson -0.2              : ?!?!
3 - Episode 3                 : CHIP
4 - Level Boot               : TOOB
5 - Thè Tráp                 : 5NIGHTS
6 - Ping Pong Pion        : PPPP
7 - Abu Ali al-Zarqak      : ANZI
8 - Lesson 5.8?             : KBKB
9 - The Guardians          : FIRE
10 - DJ Party                : BUSTER
11 - Les Patineurs Valse : Émile
12 - Who Fast?             : ....

Revel In  
Thief Teeth Teeth Teeth Fail Laughing Fail Teeth Teeth Teeth Thief

Attached Files
.dat   CCGaagle_20210915.DAT (Size: 6.19 KB / Downloads: 223)

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