Aaron Farmer CCLP5 submission TWS files and updated levelset
Attached to this threas are the TWS files for my CCLP5 submissions for both MS and Lynx rulesets. Also, I've attaced an update version of my levelset because I had to make changes to level 12 ("Control Pannel") because it was busted.

Attached Files
.tws   AF_LsF-CCLP5_MS.tws (Size: 4.18 KB / Downloads: 187)
.dat   AF_LsF-CCLP5.dat (Size: 8.43 KB / Downloads: 208)
.tws   AF_LsF-CCLP5_LYNX.ccl.tws (Size: 4.18 KB / Downloads: 182)

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