Maze of the Fireball vs Fireball Maze
A comparison of two versions of a level.

1. The first room in the old version involves placing a block in the tank's way to make it stop, and then pushing the block down so the tank and the block will create an obstacle for the fireball, making it turn left. A complete lack of Lynx compatibility meant this room was erased.

2. Even if the fireball could be directed up in Lynx, the hint tile blocks it from entering the maze proper. This hint tile was moved to the exit room.

3. The exit room and starting room are fireball-shaped in the new version, in order to strengthen the theme. The starting room even has a fireball to dodge – primarily to serve as a visual of how fireballs move (they turn right when they hit an obstacle).

4. One of the block cloners was moved up to make the level Pedantic compatible; the path exiting the maze was modified to allow the fireball to reach the green button target.

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