File category: CC1 Levelsets

This is an old set of 205 levels I made many years ago. They are placed in the set in the order they were designed in.

At first the levels in this set were levels I made in my youth, and aren't necessarily "bad" but sorta don't have any defining characteristics and mainly aren't designed that well. Later after making two sequels to this set, with 149 levels in the second and 48 in the third (I may release these two eventually), I was still adding to this set for whatever reason. I decided that making annoying levels would fit the "theme" of the set, if not just so I could have a place to let out all the cruel levels I didn't want to put elsewhere. Obviously I now realize this was a huge mistake, and as a result many of the later levels are filled with annoying level design, such as unnecessarily long waits, guesswork, and invalid tiles.

Many of the levels in this set are untimed. In fact, more than 80% of them are untimed. When I release this set to pieguy's site so it can have a scoreboard, I will most likely add a time limit to levels that didn't have one (and maybe fix unsolvability issues should they arise). I do not recommend this set for serious play, as I don't even remember if all 205 levels are solvable, but if you just wanna look at my old levels, go ahead!

Confirmed solvable? No

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.dat   IsaacD1-Old.dat (Size: 118.36 KB / Downloads: 294)

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