tiles.bmp fixed
File category: Tilesets

I updated and fixed the microsoft tileset for tile world.

For some reason the transparency mask was off by a few pixel on some tiles, giving them a very noticeable border.

Also the image was upscaled (because the original tileset by microsot is way too small for today displays), but in the process the image was made blurrier. I corrected that, and this tileset is now two times as big as the original but still sharp.

I had to change the colors of the pink ball from #ff00ff to #ff00fe beacuse the first one is also used by tile world for transparency. The difference is not noticeable of course, but pink balls are no longer transparents.

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.bmp   tiles.bmp (Size: 1.31 MB / Downloads: 472)
How did you edit the tiles ?

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