File category: CC1 Levelsets

Here, I present to you a set like no other. A set that contains 149 levels, but with a twist: every level involves an adapted sokoban concept. No partial posting, no item swapping, just sokoban, sokoban, and more sokoban.

This set also provides you with aesthetics, but not in the typical fashion seen with other level sets. As in, instead of using different tiles with every level as a typical designer would, this set cycles every six levels.

Note: I do not take credit for any of the sokobans in this set that are lifted from other sites. That credit goes to the various designers responsible.


Confirmed solvable? yes

What's New in Version 1.3

Modified the sokoban in level 138.

Removed two recess walls from level 141 (as they weren't necessary).

Various time limits changed.

Attached Files
.dat   SokobanCCLP.dat (Size: 111.07 KB / Downloads: 453)

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