The Other 100 Tiles--CC2 Port
File category: CC2 Levelsets

Hello, fellow Chipsters! I decided to port my levelsets to CC2. To start, I'm porting The Other 100 Tiles. In the port, I fixed trap and clone connections so they work under CC2 (often requiring a lot of wires), added bonus flags where I feel they're appropriate, and changed a few level parts to use new CC2 elements where I think they work better than old mechanisms.

Also, since "BLOX" is now the name of an official level (in CC2), I decided to rename level 52 to "X OUT".

All ported levels are hereby submitted as candidates for all future Level Packs that involve CC2, except ports of levels that were already in a CC1 level pack.

Thank you for any comments or bug reports you give!

What's New in Version 1.000
  • V1.000--Ported all 100 levels!

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.zip   The Other 100 (Size: 73.18 KB / Downloads: 321)

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