File category: Archived

Three levels for the April 2015 Time Trial:

15.4 A -
Crystallized Silver

15.4 B -

15.4 C -
Compact Contact

Thanks to Ihavenoname248 for making these levels. (I also reviewed them and we made some minor changes.)

Check the thread for details on the competition Slight smile

FIRST LEVEL UPDATED! Please use the newer version if at all possible.

What's New in Version (2.0)
  • First level updated:
  • (8,14) to wall instead of chip.
  • (16,20) to chip instead of floor.
  • Chip count corrected to 41.

Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.ccl   CCZ-TT-1504.ccl (Size: 1.93 KB / Downloads: 372)

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