CC Zone October 2014 Create Levels Packaged
File category: Archived

NOTE - this set uses ice blocks. You will need the pgchip patch for MSCC or TW to play the levels.

This set contains the levels submitted for the October 2014 Create Competition. These are:

-Various Hues of Blue
, by Ihavenoname248

-Stuck in a Frozen Well
, by Ihavenoname248

-Fake Time Limit
, by Chipster1059

-Frozen Fortress
, by Ihavenoname248

-1 Tank, 5 Ice Blocks
, by Michael

-Nothing You Can Do
, by M11k4

Check the thread for more details on the competition! Glider

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.ccl   CCZoneOctober2014CreateLevelsPackaged.ccl (Size: 4.22 KB / Downloads: 332)

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