CCZone March 2013 Create Levels Packaged
File category: Archived

Here are the levels created for the March 2013 Create Competition!

The levels included and their designers are:

Level 1
- Michael

Ancient Glider Temple
- Flareon350

Tricks & Traps
- CraigV

- jblewis

In or Out
- jblewis

The Beach
- Minus3K2

- random 8

That Ticking Noise
- rockdet

200m Free Style
- rockdet

Protect Me as I Protect You
- BlazingApollo

- random 8

- random 8

Bringing Up the Rear
- BigOto2

This is basically the order I received the submissions. I'm uploading two files, one is just the set with the levels, and the other is a zip-file that contains a ccx-file where some of the designers explain things about their levels. The zip-file contains the ccl- and ccx-files in the data folder, and two dac-files in the sets folder.

We will hold a vote for which levels everyone believes deserves the title of the best for this month. Details and instructions for how you can be part of that will be found in a new thread in the competitions subforum.



Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.ccl   CCZoneMarch2013CreateLevelsPackaged.ccl (Size: 11.15 KB / Downloads: 438)
.zip   CCZone March 2013 Create Levels (Size: 13.82 KB / Downloads: 399)

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