BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1
Quote:#6 would be a much better level if you could change it so you didn't have to do the perfect sideways boost with the tooth right there. Because it gets really annoying when you miss the boost land on the tooth for the 25th time.

Other than that, these are excellent - but they may be harder then what is being looked for as far as CCLP1 goes.
You mean the part with dodging the three teeth in order to obtain chips? Or the part when you're one-on-one against a teeth in the icy room?

I guess you're playing in MS, eh? I find dodging all those teeth is more easier in Lynx. So I thought it's not a big problem. Might fix it soon. Thanks for the report Slight smile

Adding TEN more level! Can you beat them without looking at the editor? Pro tip: you cant

Here is the list:
  • Maze Collection: A level consisting various kinds of maze. Not really hard.

  • Argh!: Yup, this level will make you say argh! Medium difficulty.

  • Appeared: A maze made of hidden walls. Do what the hint says. Why should I do that, you ask? Just do as I say, okay?

  • Treasure Island: Chips under the blocks. This one is easy.

  • Bounce&Block: Use the blocking method to pass through obstacles. Medium difficulty.

  • No Hints: Hmm... I can't remember if I managed to beat this one. So no hints for you.

  • Reappeared: Don't. Look. At. The. Editor.

  • Cloning Collision: Multiple paths. You'll love this one. Bold time finders hate it, though.

  • Special Sphere: Just like Glider Glace Race. But this time, it's a pink ball, and it is not a race.

  • Swift Motion: Inspired from Dodge! Just like Dimension Hole, this is a boss-battle-themed-level. But no block pushing around the arena, just dodging.

Alright! That's all for now. Enjoy!

Btw, I need someone to submit these levels for me. Can you help me? Slight frown
Teeth  Teeth  Teeth  
Teeth  Chip Win  Teeth  
Teeth   Teeth  Teeth

Messages In This Thread
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by BlazingApollo - 15-May-2012, 12:07 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by geodave - 15-May-2012, 8:24 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by M11k4 - 15-May-2012, 8:30 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by geodave - 15-May-2012, 10:25 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by tensorpudding - 15-May-2012, 12:42 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by geodave - 15-May-2012, 1:59 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by Lessinath - 16-May-2012, 5:54 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by BlazingApollo - 16-May-2012, 8:00 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by IceyLava108 - 16-May-2012, 10:28 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by IceyLava108 - 18-May-2012, 10:14 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by Flareon350 - 18-May-2012, 10:43 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by IceyLava108 - 20-May-2012, 12:58 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by IceyLava108 - 20-May-2012, 2:11 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by Reynaldi - 22-May-2012, 3:13 AM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by Ida - 22-May-2012, 3:16 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by ajmiam - 27-May-2012, 3:27 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by IceyLava108 - 14-Jun-2012, 8:37 PM
BlazingApollo's levels for CCLP1 - by FJepsen - 30-Jun-2012, 12:18 PM

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