Hello, Chipsters!
The CCLP1 staff has been hard at work making preparations for the voting<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> process, and now, we are pleased to share with you the aforementioned<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> lists of levels that had been previously discussed here and on CCZone:
The whitelist: This is the list of levels that are pretty much guaranteed
a space on the CCLP1 ballot. You will see these levels in voting. There<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> are nearly 50 designers represented here! Current count: 1,408 1,604.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
The blacklist: This is the list of levels that are currently marked for
elimination based on the criteria mentioned in my previous posts on<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> pre-voting elimination. Current count: 2,796 2,622.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
The limbo list: This is the list of levels that have compatibility,
solvability, or bust issues (which are also detailed in the spreadsheet)<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> and that would be whitelisted providing these issues are corrected before<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> voting begins. We've tried to limit this list to the levels we believe would stand a chance in voting so that designers would not have to go through a bunch of unnecessary work. Current count: 91 32.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
The ineligible list: This is the list of levels that are ineligible by
default for various reasons (which are detailed in the spreadsheet). I<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> understand there are some new levels from sets that have since been added<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> on to long after the submission deadline passed (such as Rosa1) but aren't listed here yet, so just for the sake of avoiding any potential confusion, I will be sure to add these in the days to come. Current count: 178 219.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
A few things to consider for the next few weeks:
- These lists will not be set in stone until a yet-to-be-determined
deadline before voting. This date will hopefully be no later than the end<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> of May, but it will depend on how quickly designers address the issues on<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> the limbo list and how the black-to-whitelisting nominations proceed (more details on that below). Be sure to watch for a subsequent announcement on when this date will be. Update: this date is June 1 at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
- As previously discussed, the community will have a part in determining
the final say on what makes it into voting. This means that if you want to<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> nominate a level that's currently on the blacklist to be moved to the<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> whitelist, you are more than welcome to do so. The only stipulation we'd like to place on this, just for the sake of curtailing potential abuse of this privilege, is that a level would be whitelisted only when it receives two nominations from community members other than its designer. Designers can, however, campaign for any level(s) to be whitelisted to the rest of the community and present their reasons for why they believe those level(s) is or are deserving. We do, however, encourage everyone to be mindful of what they nominate. We don't want the whitelist to be overloaded, and we do hope to maintain the standard of quality that the levels currently on the whitelist exhibit. If you wish to nominate a blacklisted level, please consider how appropriate it would be for CCLP1, how enjoyable it is to play, and how well-designed it is, particularly in light of what's already on the whitelist.
- As you'll notice, the levels are color-coded: there are "green," "red,"
and a small handful of "yellow" ones. "Green" levels are those that have<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> no major compatibility, solvability, or bust issues that we've been able<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> to find. "Red" levels have at least one of these issues, which are detailed in the "notes" column. Finally, "yellow" levels are the few that stumped or frustrated us so badly that we had to deem them far too difficult for CCLP1. If the future CCLP4 staff would like to try their hand at these, they are more than welcome to! The levels in the "ineligible" list are all colored grey by virtue of being ineligible for CCLP1 by default.
- We spent a lot of time reviewing these levels, but we could have easily
missed something. For instance, if a level contained so many invalid tiles<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> that were so integral to the level concept such that it could never really<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> be fixed for CCLP1, chances are that we didn't really dissect it much further past that. However, if you find any major issues, especially with a "green" level on the whitelist, please report it to me so I can move the level to the "limbo" list and contact its designer.
- Any blacklisted level that receives the necessary nominations but is
colored "red" will be moved to the "limbo" list until its issues are<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> corrected.<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);">
- I will do my best to keep up with the nominations, both here and on
CCZone, and update the spreadsheets accordingly. I'll also post an ongoing<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> list of levels that have received the necessary nominations here on CCZone,<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> since posts there can be edited.
- Have fun! While constructing these lists, we've done our best to be fair
to everyone who submitted levels while maintaining the standard necessary<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> to ensure that CCLP1 voting - and ultimately the set - contains the cream<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> of the crop that our community has to offer at a difficulty reasonable for beginners. If one of your levels that you were really hoping to see in voting didn't make it into the whitelist, don't panic! As mentioned above, you can always campaign for this level to be nominated.
- We've been taking your suggestions for how voting should proceed into
consideration, and we think we've got a recipe that will address most of<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> the concerns everyone brought forward. Stay tuned for more info!<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> Update: we're going to be releasing the levels in packs of 50 with random, non-ordinal names.
That's all for now!
- J.B.
Nominated levels:
11levels #5 - REFLECTION - 1 nomination
ajmiam-pit-of-100-tiles* #77 - x times 2 to the n - 1 nomination
AndrewR1 #6 - Forcing - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #16 - Circling II - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #17 - Icing - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #21 - Reflecting - 3 nominations
AndrewR1 #22 - Reflecting II - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #24 - Puzzling - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #25 - Cornering II - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #27 - Timing II - 3 nominations
AndrewR1 #28 - Bearing II - 3 nominations
ArchieP1 #59 - PUSH TO ACTIVATE - 2 nominations
ArchieP1 #61 - BEST SERVED COLD - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #77 - BUG COLLECTING - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #86 - EXERT FORCE - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #92 - GRAVITY - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #99 - FLOCK OF BLOCK - 2 nominations
ArchieP1 #104 - TEMPLE OF NO KEY - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #117 - AGAIN AND AGAIN - 2 nominations
BHLS1Lynx #62 - Toggled 3 - 1 nomination
BHLS1Lynx #92 - Security Maze - 1 nomination
BHLS1Lynx #138 - There and Back Again - 1 nomination
bigoto7 #7 - Powerin' Up - 1 nomination
bigoto7 #70 - Electromagnetic Elevator - 2 nominations
bigoto7 #82 - Toggletank Factory - 3 nominations
bigoto7 #97 - Wiener Schnitzel - 1 nomination
BillR1 #14 - One at a Time - 1 nomination
BillR1 #20 - Gravel Is Your Friend - 1 nomination
Bowman1 #6 - SEARCH - 1 nomination
Bowman1 #10 - ODD WORLD - 2 nominations
Bowman1 #18 - ICELAND - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #3 - Review 3 - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #16 - Minor Setback - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #34 - Combo - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #108 - Hard Work - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #122 - Teleportation - 1 nomination
CCLP1_Lessons #14 - Intro: Roaming at Random - 3 nominations
CCLP1Submissions-KTNUSA #16 - BEACH BUMS - 1 nomination
CCLP1Submissions-KTNUSA #29 - FINAL DESTINATION - 1 nomination
CCLP1Submissions-KTNUSA #28 - MAN VS. MACHINE - 1 nomination
CCTLFC1-lynx #40 - THE MISSION FOR FLIPPERS - 1 nomination
CCTLFC1-lynx #74 - THE ELEMECCA - 1 nomination
CCTLFC3-lynx #11 - KLONDIKE - 1 nomination
CCTLFC3-lynx #25 - NATURAL SELECTION - 1 nomination
CCTLFCS2 #8 - HEART ATTACK - 1 nomination
Chip56 #34 - BOILING POINT - 1 nomination
Chip56 #37 - BLOBSICLE - 2 nominations
Chip56 #38 - ANACONDA - 2 nominations
Chip56 #44 - FROG BASEBALL - 2 nominations
Chip56 #51 - SUNSPOTS - 1 nomination
ChipHomeLP1 #13 - Skating On The Lake - 1 nomination
chips_new_theory #21 - FUN - 1 nomination
chips_new_theory #50 - DRILLER - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #14 - BLUESTREAK - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #20 - MYSTERY WALL - 2 nominations
DanielB-Lynx #57 - SMOKESCREEN - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #64 - BEATEN TRACK - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #71 - AIM - 2 nominations
DanielB-Lynx #74 - A STACK OF THE CLONES - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #76 - ORIENT EXPRESS - 1 nomination
Egyptian_Motif_LYNX_71 #3 - ICX - 1 nomination
EricS2 #7 - The Irregular Guard - 2 nominations
EricS2 #24 - Access Denied - 1 nomination
Extra_Extra #8 - FOUR ANTS - 2 nominations
Gap'sSub #23 - Blocked Teleportation - 1 nomination
geodave3 #3 - Ruling Council
geodave3 #40 - Firing Line - 1 nomination
geodave3 #41 - 32 Chips - 2 nominations
geodave3 #42 - Partners - 1 nomination
geodave3 #54 - The Enemy of My Enemy - 1 nomination
geodave3 #76 - Less Travelled By - 1 nomination
geodave3 #113 -
Ðanx - 1 nomination
geodave3 #130 - Blast! - 1 nomination
grant2012 #7 - AQUARIUS - 1 nomination
HOUSE OF SEVEN #1 - ENTRANCE HALL - 1 nomination
N - 1 nomination
Ida3 #28 - 4 Bedroom Plus Basement - 1 nomination
Ida3 #34 - May the Force be With You - 2 nominations
Ida3 #44 - Mini Challenges II - 1 nomination
Ida4 #1 - Chip, the Great Adventurer - 1 nomination
Ida4 #7 - New Adventures for Chip - 1 nomination
Ida4 #14 - Looking for Answers - 1 nomination
JacquesS1 #7 - Ice Cube - 1 nomination
JacquesS1 #153 - Tortoises - 1 nomination
JacquesS1 #188 - Force Field - 1 nomination
JacquesS2 #98 - Fake Wall Scramble - 1 nomination
JacquesS2 #128 - Nutella Factory - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #18 - Grey Matter - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #61 - A Study in Pink - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #73 - Four Doors - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #75 - Spin Cycle - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #83 - Escape from the Pupil - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #85 - Trail Blazer - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #86 - Chains - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #96 - Bulge - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #97 - Synchronize - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #99 - Japanese Game Show - 2 nominations
JCCLP #27 - Bomb Arc - 1 nomination
JCCLP #70 - Toggle Error - 1 nomination
JCCLP #94 - Burning Gliders - 2 nominations
JCCLP #104 - Duplex - 3 nominations
JCCLP #125 - Spin Cycle - 2 nominations
JCCLP #126 - Black Whirlpool - 1 nomination
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #10 - BITTER BLUE - 1 nomination
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #16 - BORROMEAN RINGS - 1 nomination
JRB_CCLP1 #12 - PONTOON - 1 nomination
JRB_CCLP1 #33 - THE LAB - 2 nominations
JRB_CCLP1 #34 - ICE PATH - 1 nomination
KefrithLP1 #13 - Quartermaster - 1 nomination
kidsfair #16 - Generic Ice Level - 3 nominations
kidsfair #18 - Lake Lake - 4 nominations
kidsfair #24 - A Basket of Apples - 3 nominations
kidsfair #36 - Laugh at Me! - 3 nominations
kidsfair #44 - The Devout Sinner - 3 nominations
kidsfair #46 - One for the Money - 4 nominations
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #60 - Fireball - 2 nominations
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #80 - Twist - 1 nomination
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #86 - There's a bug in here. - 1 nomination
LizzyBCCLP1 #9 - warp zone - 1 nomination
LizzyBCCLP1 #20 - forced - 1 nomination
LizzyBCCLP1 #29 - the caves - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #7 - Infiltration - 1 nomination
Markus_CCLP1 #8 - Security Gates - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #11 - Adrenaline Rush - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #12 - Chip Controls - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #25 - 25 - 1 nomination
Markus_CCLP1 #26 - Chopping Mall - 1 nomination
Markus_CCLP1 #34 - Better safe than... - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #39 - Back and Forth - 1 nomination
MikeL3 #7 - The First Mission - 2 nominations
MS1 #6 - Storming the Fortress - 1 nomination
New Clubhouse #8 - FLAME - 1 nomination
New Clubhouse #61 - BONUS - 1 nomination
pieguy1 #6 - one way streets 2 - 1 nomination
Places #17 - Get the FROGS to JUMP - 2 nominations
Places #21 - Audacious SCAVENGER HUNT - 3 nominations
Places #24 - Space Station - 2 nominations
Places #25 - THE ROAD TO PARADISE - 1 nomination
randomlevelmadebyjameslongago #1 - Teeth level (needs title) - 1 nomination
R O S A B E L L I S #7 - BUTTERFINGERS - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #10 - Hellfire I - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #36 - Recessed Walls - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #46 - The Ultimate Challenge - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #68 - Block Maze - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #73 - Diamond of Fire - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #99 - Snuff - 2 nominations
Rock-cclp1 #8 - Doableity - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #27 - Feist - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #29 - Panic at Floor 11 - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #47 - Phytoplankton - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #67 - Contradictions II - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #58 - 14% - 2 nominations
Rock-cclp1 #66 - Boa Boa Boa - 2 nominations
RolfR1 #4 - 3 ways - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #9 - Rather Fair - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #22 - Clear Path - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #35 - Time Limit Trouble - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #56 - Game over. - 1 nomination
Schnitzel #31 - H.P.E. - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #5 - The Good, the Blob, and the Toothy - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #21 - Go With The Floe - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #22 - Changing Lanes II - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #24 - Tank! - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #31 - Round and Round - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #42 - Singed - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #49 - The Great Big Chip Heist - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #55 - Discipline - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #58 - Caveat Emptor - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #1 - All Bit Busters Go to Heaven - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #4 - Runaway Train - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #7 - Tightrope - 4 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #8 - Center Priority - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #22 - Solve the Pyramid - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #23 - Fortress I - 2 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #25 - !? - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #26 - Christmas Eve - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #29 - Pickpocket Land - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #30 - Space Man - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #31 - Future World - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #36 - Flamethrowers - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #37 - Adrenalin Rush - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #39 - Bridge of Disaster - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #40 - Bank Robber - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #42 - Research Lab - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #50 - Rise from Your Grave - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #54 - Route 280 - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #57 - High School - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #58 - The Sewers - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #60 - City Escape - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #62 - Boingy Balls I - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #64 - If Only You Knew - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #70 - Final Destination - 2 nominations
TS0 #1 - Kinetic Aesthetic - 2 nominations
TS0 #3 - Tree of Life - 2 nominations
TS0 #4 - Different Barriers - 1 nomination
TS0 #6 - It Only Gets Worse - 2 nominations
TS0 #7 - Spring - 2 nominations
TS0 #8 - Dig for Fire - 3 nominations
TS0 #15 - Metal Harbor - 3 nominations
TS0 #20 - The Haunted Blocks - 2 nominations
TS0 #21 - Propaganda - 2 nominations
TS0 #24 - Primal Rage - 4 nominations
TS0 #31 - Crystal Lattice - 1 nomination
TS0 #38 - Mindless Self-Indulgence - 1 nomination
TS1 #7 - Monstrous Whimsy - 1 nomination
TS1 #10 - Chip Crossing - 2 nominations
TS1 #11 - Blockorama - 3 nominations
TS1 #15 - Key Puzzle - 1 nomination
TS1 #27 - Cubicles - 1 nomination
TS1 #33 - This Too Shall Pass - 2 nominations
TS1 #34 - Succession - 2 nominations
TS1 #35 - Judgement - 2 nominations
WesP1 #27 - Frogger - 2 nominations
Zane-CCLP1 #6 - Walking in a Dark Room - 1 nomination
Zane-CCLP1 #18 - Castle Cat - 1 nomination
Zane-CCLP1 #24 - Even if the Sky is Falling Down - 1 nomination
The CCLP1 staff has been hard at work making preparations for the voting<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> process, and now, we are pleased to share with you the aforementioned<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> lists of levels that had been previously discussed here and on CCZone:
The whitelist: This is the list of levels that are pretty much guaranteed
a space on the CCLP1 ballot. You will see these levels in voting. There<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> are nearly 50 designers represented here! Current count: 1,408 1,604.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
The blacklist: This is the list of levels that are currently marked for
elimination based on the criteria mentioned in my previous posts on<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> pre-voting elimination. Current count: 2,796 2,622.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
The limbo list: This is the list of levels that have compatibility,
solvability, or bust issues (which are also detailed in the spreadsheet)<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> and that would be whitelisted providing these issues are corrected before<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> voting begins. We've tried to limit this list to the levels we believe would stand a chance in voting so that designers would not have to go through a bunch of unnecessary work. Current count: 91 32.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
The ineligible list: This is the list of levels that are ineligible by
default for various reasons (which are detailed in the spreadsheet). I<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> understand there are some new levels from sets that have since been added<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> on to long after the submission deadline passed (such as Rosa1) but aren't listed here yet, so just for the sake of avoiding any potential confusion, I will be sure to add these in the days to come. Current count: 178 219.
<span style="color:rgb(0,0,0);">
A few things to consider for the next few weeks:
- These lists will not be set in stone until a yet-to-be-determined
deadline before voting. This date will hopefully be no later than the end<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> of May, but it will depend on how quickly designers address the issues on<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> the limbo list and how the black-to-whitelisting nominations proceed (more details on that below). Be sure to watch for a subsequent announcement on when this date will be. Update: this date is June 1 at 12:00 a.m. Pacific Time.
- As previously discussed, the community will have a part in determining
the final say on what makes it into voting. This means that if you want to<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> nominate a level that's currently on the blacklist to be moved to the<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> whitelist, you are more than welcome to do so. The only stipulation we'd like to place on this, just for the sake of curtailing potential abuse of this privilege, is that a level would be whitelisted only when it receives two nominations from community members other than its designer. Designers can, however, campaign for any level(s) to be whitelisted to the rest of the community and present their reasons for why they believe those level(s) is or are deserving. We do, however, encourage everyone to be mindful of what they nominate. We don't want the whitelist to be overloaded, and we do hope to maintain the standard of quality that the levels currently on the whitelist exhibit. If you wish to nominate a blacklisted level, please consider how appropriate it would be for CCLP1, how enjoyable it is to play, and how well-designed it is, particularly in light of what's already on the whitelist.
- As you'll notice, the levels are color-coded: there are "green," "red,"
and a small handful of "yellow" ones. "Green" levels are those that have<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> no major compatibility, solvability, or bust issues that we've been able<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> to find. "Red" levels have at least one of these issues, which are detailed in the "notes" column. Finally, "yellow" levels are the few that stumped or frustrated us so badly that we had to deem them far too difficult for CCLP1. If the future CCLP4 staff would like to try their hand at these, they are more than welcome to! The levels in the "ineligible" list are all colored grey by virtue of being ineligible for CCLP1 by default.
- We spent a lot of time reviewing these levels, but we could have easily
missed something. For instance, if a level contained so many invalid tiles<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> that were so integral to the level concept such that it could never really<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> be fixed for CCLP1, chances are that we didn't really dissect it much further past that. However, if you find any major issues, especially with a "green" level on the whitelist, please report it to me so I can move the level to the "limbo" list and contact its designer.
- Any blacklisted level that receives the necessary nominations but is
colored "red" will be moved to the "limbo" list until its issues are<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> corrected.<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);">
- I will do my best to keep up with the nominations, both here and on
CCZone, and update the spreadsheets accordingly. I'll also post an ongoing<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> list of levels that have received the necessary nominations here on CCZone,<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> since posts there can be edited.
- Have fun! While constructing these lists, we've done our best to be fair
to everyone who submitted levels while maintaining the standard necessary<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> to ensure that CCLP1 voting - and ultimately the set - contains the cream<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> of the crop that our community has to offer at a difficulty reasonable for beginners. If one of your levels that you were really hoping to see in voting didn't make it into the whitelist, don't panic! As mentioned above, you can always campaign for this level to be nominated.
- We've been taking your suggestions for how voting should proceed into
consideration, and we think we've got a recipe that will address most of<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> the concerns everyone brought forward. Stay tuned for more info!<span style="color:rgb(40,40,40);"> Update: we're going to be releasing the levels in packs of 50 with random, non-ordinal names.
That's all for now!
- J.B.
Nominated levels:
11levels #5 - REFLECTION - 1 nomination
ajmiam-pit-of-100-tiles* #77 - x times 2 to the n - 1 nomination
AndrewR1 #6 - Forcing - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #16 - Circling II - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #17 - Icing - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #21 - Reflecting - 3 nominations
AndrewR1 #22 - Reflecting II - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #24 - Puzzling - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #25 - Cornering II - 2 nominations
AndrewR1 #27 - Timing II - 3 nominations
AndrewR1 #28 - Bearing II - 3 nominations
ArchieP1 #59 - PUSH TO ACTIVATE - 2 nominations
ArchieP1 #61 - BEST SERVED COLD - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #77 - BUG COLLECTING - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #86 - EXERT FORCE - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #92 - GRAVITY - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #99 - FLOCK OF BLOCK - 2 nominations
ArchieP1 #104 - TEMPLE OF NO KEY - 1 nomination
ArchieP1 #117 - AGAIN AND AGAIN - 2 nominations
BHLS1Lynx #62 - Toggled 3 - 1 nomination
BHLS1Lynx #92 - Security Maze - 1 nomination
BHLS1Lynx #138 - There and Back Again - 1 nomination
bigoto7 #7 - Powerin' Up - 1 nomination
bigoto7 #70 - Electromagnetic Elevator - 2 nominations
bigoto7 #82 - Toggletank Factory - 3 nominations
bigoto7 #97 - Wiener Schnitzel - 1 nomination
BillR1 #14 - One at a Time - 1 nomination
BillR1 #20 - Gravel Is Your Friend - 1 nomination
Bowman1 #6 - SEARCH - 1 nomination
Bowman1 #10 - ODD WORLD - 2 nominations
Bowman1 #18 - ICELAND - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #3 - Review 3 - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #16 - Minor Setback - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #34 - Combo - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #108 - Hard Work - 1 nomination
CamdenCCLP1 #122 - Teleportation - 1 nomination
CCLP1_Lessons #14 - Intro: Roaming at Random - 3 nominations
CCLP1Submissions-KTNUSA #16 - BEACH BUMS - 1 nomination
CCLP1Submissions-KTNUSA #29 - FINAL DESTINATION - 1 nomination
CCLP1Submissions-KTNUSA #28 - MAN VS. MACHINE - 1 nomination
CCTLFC1-lynx #40 - THE MISSION FOR FLIPPERS - 1 nomination
CCTLFC1-lynx #74 - THE ELEMECCA - 1 nomination
CCTLFC3-lynx #11 - KLONDIKE - 1 nomination
CCTLFC3-lynx #25 - NATURAL SELECTION - 1 nomination
CCTLFCS2 #8 - HEART ATTACK - 1 nomination
Chip56 #34 - BOILING POINT - 1 nomination
Chip56 #37 - BLOBSICLE - 2 nominations
Chip56 #38 - ANACONDA - 2 nominations
Chip56 #44 - FROG BASEBALL - 2 nominations
Chip56 #51 - SUNSPOTS - 1 nomination
ChipHomeLP1 #13 - Skating On The Lake - 1 nomination
chips_new_theory #21 - FUN - 1 nomination
chips_new_theory #50 - DRILLER - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #14 - BLUESTREAK - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #20 - MYSTERY WALL - 2 nominations
DanielB-Lynx #57 - SMOKESCREEN - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #64 - BEATEN TRACK - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #71 - AIM - 2 nominations
DanielB-Lynx #74 - A STACK OF THE CLONES - 1 nomination
DanielB-Lynx #76 - ORIENT EXPRESS - 1 nomination
Egyptian_Motif_LYNX_71 #3 - ICX - 1 nomination
EricS2 #7 - The Irregular Guard - 2 nominations
EricS2 #24 - Access Denied - 1 nomination
Extra_Extra #8 - FOUR ANTS - 2 nominations
Gap'sSub #23 - Blocked Teleportation - 1 nomination
geodave3 #3 - Ruling Council
geodave3 #40 - Firing Line - 1 nomination
geodave3 #41 - 32 Chips - 2 nominations
geodave3 #42 - Partners - 1 nomination
geodave3 #54 - The Enemy of My Enemy - 1 nomination
geodave3 #76 - Less Travelled By - 1 nomination
geodave3 #113 -
Ðanx - 1 nomination
geodave3 #130 - Blast! - 1 nomination
grant2012 #7 - AQUARIUS - 1 nomination
HOUSE OF SEVEN #1 - ENTRANCE HALL - 1 nomination
N - 1 nomination
Ida3 #28 - 4 Bedroom Plus Basement - 1 nomination
Ida3 #34 - May the Force be With You - 2 nominations
Ida3 #44 - Mini Challenges II - 1 nomination
Ida4 #1 - Chip, the Great Adventurer - 1 nomination
Ida4 #7 - New Adventures for Chip - 1 nomination
Ida4 #14 - Looking for Answers - 1 nomination
JacquesS1 #7 - Ice Cube - 1 nomination
JacquesS1 #153 - Tortoises - 1 nomination
JacquesS1 #188 - Force Field - 1 nomination
JacquesS2 #98 - Fake Wall Scramble - 1 nomination
JacquesS2 #128 - Nutella Factory - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #18 - Grey Matter - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #61 - A Study in Pink - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #73 - Four Doors - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #75 - Spin Cycle - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #83 - Escape from the Pupil - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #85 - Trail Blazer - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #86 - Chains - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #96 - Bulge - 2 nominations
JBLP1 #97 - Synchronize - 1 nomination
JBLP1 #99 - Japanese Game Show - 2 nominations
JCCLP #27 - Bomb Arc - 1 nomination
JCCLP #70 - Toggle Error - 1 nomination
JCCLP #94 - Burning Gliders - 2 nominations
JCCLP #104 - Duplex - 3 nominations
JCCLP #125 - Spin Cycle - 2 nominations
JCCLP #126 - Black Whirlpool - 1 nomination
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #10 - BITTER BLUE - 1 nomination
Joe's CCLP1 Entries #16 - BORROMEAN RINGS - 1 nomination
JRB_CCLP1 #12 - PONTOON - 1 nomination
JRB_CCLP1 #33 - THE LAB - 2 nominations
JRB_CCLP1 #34 - ICE PATH - 1 nomination
KefrithLP1 #13 - Quartermaster - 1 nomination
kidsfair #16 - Generic Ice Level - 3 nominations
kidsfair #18 - Lake Lake - 4 nominations
kidsfair #24 - A Basket of Apples - 3 nominations
kidsfair #36 - Laugh at Me! - 3 nominations
kidsfair #44 - The Devout Sinner - 3 nominations
kidsfair #46 - One for the Money - 4 nominations
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #60 - Fireball - 2 nominations
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #80 - Twist - 1 nomination
Lessinath_CCLP1_2_1 #86 - There's a bug in here. - 1 nomination
LizzyBCCLP1 #9 - warp zone - 1 nomination
LizzyBCCLP1 #20 - forced - 1 nomination
LizzyBCCLP1 #29 - the caves - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #7 - Infiltration - 1 nomination
Markus_CCLP1 #8 - Security Gates - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #11 - Adrenaline Rush - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #12 - Chip Controls - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #25 - 25 - 1 nomination
Markus_CCLP1 #26 - Chopping Mall - 1 nomination
Markus_CCLP1 #34 - Better safe than... - 2 nominations
Markus_CCLP1 #39 - Back and Forth - 1 nomination
MikeL3 #7 - The First Mission - 2 nominations
MS1 #6 - Storming the Fortress - 1 nomination
New Clubhouse #8 - FLAME - 1 nomination
New Clubhouse #61 - BONUS - 1 nomination
pieguy1 #6 - one way streets 2 - 1 nomination
Places #17 - Get the FROGS to JUMP - 2 nominations
Places #21 - Audacious SCAVENGER HUNT - 3 nominations
Places #24 - Space Station - 2 nominations
Places #25 - THE ROAD TO PARADISE - 1 nomination
randomlevelmadebyjameslongago #1 - Teeth level (needs title) - 1 nomination
R O S A B E L L I S #7 - BUTTERFINGERS - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #10 - Hellfire I - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #36 - Recessed Walls - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #46 - The Ultimate Challenge - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #68 - Block Maze - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #73 - Diamond of Fire - 1 nomination
ReyCCLP1 #99 - Snuff - 2 nominations
Rock-cclp1 #8 - Doableity - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #27 - Feist - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #29 - Panic at Floor 11 - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #47 - Phytoplankton - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #67 - Contradictions II - 1 nomination
Rock-cclp1 #58 - 14% - 2 nominations
Rock-cclp1 #66 - Boa Boa Boa - 2 nominations
RolfR1 #4 - 3 ways - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #9 - Rather Fair - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #22 - Clear Path - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #35 - Time Limit Trouble - 1 nomination
Rosa1 #56 - Game over. - 1 nomination
Schnitzel #31 - H.P.E. - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #5 - The Good, the Blob, and the Toothy - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #21 - Go With The Floe - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #22 - Changing Lanes II - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #24 - Tank! - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #31 - Round and Round - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #42 - Singed - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #49 - The Great Big Chip Heist - 1 nomination
tensorpudding-cclp1 #55 - Discipline - 2 nominations
tensorpudding-cclp1 #58 - Caveat Emptor - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #1 - All Bit Busters Go to Heaven - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #4 - Runaway Train - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #7 - Tightrope - 4 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #8 - Center Priority - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #22 - Solve the Pyramid - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #23 - Fortress I - 2 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #25 - !? - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #26 - Christmas Eve - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #29 - Pickpocket Land - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #30 - Space Man - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #31 - Future World - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #36 - Flamethrowers - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #37 - Adrenalin Rush - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #39 - Bridge of Disaster - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #40 - Bank Robber - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #42 - Research Lab - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #50 - Rise from Your Grave - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #54 - Route 280 - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #57 - High School - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #58 - The Sewers - 1 nomination
TomPCCLP1 #60 - City Escape - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #62 - Boingy Balls I - 3 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #64 - If Only You Knew - 2 nominations
TomPCCLP1 #70 - Final Destination - 2 nominations
TS0 #1 - Kinetic Aesthetic - 2 nominations
TS0 #3 - Tree of Life - 2 nominations
TS0 #4 - Different Barriers - 1 nomination
TS0 #6 - It Only Gets Worse - 2 nominations
TS0 #7 - Spring - 2 nominations
TS0 #8 - Dig for Fire - 3 nominations
TS0 #15 - Metal Harbor - 3 nominations
TS0 #20 - The Haunted Blocks - 2 nominations
TS0 #21 - Propaganda - 2 nominations
TS0 #24 - Primal Rage - 4 nominations
TS0 #31 - Crystal Lattice - 1 nomination
TS0 #38 - Mindless Self-Indulgence - 1 nomination
TS1 #7 - Monstrous Whimsy - 1 nomination
TS1 #10 - Chip Crossing - 2 nominations
TS1 #11 - Blockorama - 3 nominations
TS1 #15 - Key Puzzle - 1 nomination
TS1 #27 - Cubicles - 1 nomination
TS1 #33 - This Too Shall Pass - 2 nominations
TS1 #34 - Succession - 2 nominations
TS1 #35 - Judgement - 2 nominations
WesP1 #27 - Frogger - 2 nominations
Zane-CCLP1 #6 - Walking in a Dark Room - 1 nomination
Zane-CCLP1 #18 - Castle Cat - 1 nomination
Zane-CCLP1 #24 - Even if the Sky is Falling Down - 1 nomination