Dragon Pack - Discussion
Don't give up Flareon; I intend to vote it high and it sounds like other people have or will as well. I think these kind of levels give good variety to the set, since there are few levels like them. I personally like a lot of variety, and so I appreciate levels like this. Others, just as an example, may like only a particular kind of level or just don't tolerate things that go farther away from the 'normal' gameplay. So they voted it down.

At least you got to add levels for consideration period. I missed out on that... Slight frown


What am I missing in Wormhole?

You need to release the top/left most glider to remove the bomb so you can get access to the red key. Yet, to release the glider from it's trap, you need to press a button which is behind a red door.
The only other red key is behind an impossible to reach bomb. You can only press the red button connected to that fireball cloner twice from the recessed wall room. You need a third or something to remove the bomb behind this key.
now I'm realizing the lower red key wouldn't work anyway-you need to use it to get the blue key to open that door which the second red door is behind. Am I being really stupid? this level is boggling my mind.

other than this I like this level Slight smile
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski

Messages In This Thread
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 17-Jun-2013, 2:14 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Syzygy - 20-Jun-2013, 7:10 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 20-Jun-2013, 10:35 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jbdude55 - 04-Jul-2013, 6:33 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by ajmiam - 05-Jul-2013, 11:47 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Bowman - 09-Jul-2013, 8:57 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by CamdenT - 10-Jul-2013, 1:03 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 10-Jul-2013, 1:18 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by CamdenT - 10-Jul-2013, 2:00 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by AdrenalinDragon - 10-Jul-2013, 11:00 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Sparkman - 23-Jul-2013, 2:32 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 08-Aug-2013, 11:15 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 08-Aug-2013, 6:44 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by BigOto2 - 08-Aug-2013, 6:52 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 08-Aug-2013, 7:04 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Lessinath - 11-Aug-2013, 7:42 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 11-Aug-2013, 8:08 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Sparkman - 17-Aug-2013, 12:36 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 17-Aug-2013, 2:37 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by mobius - 26-Aug-2013, 9:42 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by pillowpc2001 - 26-Aug-2013, 10:12 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 26-Aug-2013, 11:34 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Markus - 27-Aug-2013, 6:48 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by random 8 - 27-Aug-2013, 1:37 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 27-Aug-2013, 2:10 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by IceyLava108 - 27-Aug-2013, 3:16 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jbdude55 - 27-Aug-2013, 3:17 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 27-Aug-2013, 3:19 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by mobius - 27-Aug-2013, 3:50 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by lookatthis - 27-Aug-2013, 4:11 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 27-Aug-2013, 4:15 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jbdude55 - 27-Aug-2013, 5:32 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by AdrenalinDragon - 27-Aug-2013, 5:34 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 27-Aug-2013, 6:02 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by random 8 - 27-Aug-2013, 7:20 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jbdude55 - 28-Aug-2013, 2:04 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 28-Aug-2013, 3:16 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by mobius - 28-Aug-2013, 7:48 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by jblewis - 28-Aug-2013, 7:49 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by mobius - 28-Aug-2013, 7:54 PM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by BigOto2 - 29-Aug-2013, 10:47 AM
Dragon Pack - Discussion - by Flareon350 - 29-Aug-2013, 6:05 PM

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