J.B.'s CC2 Levelset Feedback Thread ("Centennium II" Under Construction!)
Centennium II

Overall I really enjoyed this pack Slight smile

Warm Up: I like the subtle reference to Pidgeon Holes.
The hint doesn't work [looked in the editor to see there is no hint] is this a mistake?
Anyways; a great level; requires a little thought, isn't as simple as it first looks. the bonus was fun to get too.

Chrismas tree: another nice one, a good 'artsy' level.

Round trip. Again, not too easy but not too hard.

Splitsville: awesome concept. I love logic puzzles like this, and the possibilities with switches are endless.

Pandemic: another awesome level. Gets intense near the end. The plethora of blocks ease the difficulty. My strategy was to always carry a block around with me even if I didn't have to so you're not easily trapped.

Sokobom: very cool concept. It took me a while to realize you could move the blocks around to help. Getting the bonus is tough; haven't figured out yet.
Personally I've been having trouble making good levels themed around the time bomb. This was good inspiration.

Train of thought: this one is a lot harder than it seems at first. It's a great concept but a little frustrating.

It's pretty crazy to keep track of what monsters are coming up next while switching tracks. If I had a suggestion/criticism I think the main issue is that the time between what monster you see in the center teleport room and when it comes down the track is too long. While it allows time for you to switch the tracks; it means you have to remember two different monsters ahead of time at the same time. I kept forgetting which monster was currently coming down because I was watching for the second next monster in the teleport room.
The only thing I can think of right away would be to somehow put all the buttons closer together so you don't have to walk around too much while switching tracks.

Also the wait in the beginning is a little long I think; once you've explored and played a few times you don't need a wait in the beginning like that to prepare, imo.

Axis: As cool as I thought it would be from the picture. It took me just a little while to remember the rules and not keep messing up. But after that it was very fun.

Now You switch it: another cool concept but I thought the level was a little too large. I also don't seem to be good at spotting the traps; so that was a little frustrating.

Manifest Destiny: very cool level, and complex, haven't beaten it yet; will take me a while to figure everything out and plan a route.

And the 1-time only gate mechanism is cool. I have trouble making the type of mechanisms I want because I'm not real good with boolean algebra so I've been relying on playing other people's levels to see how certain things are done with the logic gates.
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

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-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski

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J.B.'s CC2 Levelset Feedback Thread ("Centennium II" Under Construction!) - by mobius - 28-Nov-2015, 3:48 PM

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