"Uart" level
It's a device that serializes multiple inputs into a single output, and then on the left, it retrieves each individual input again.

It probably wouldn't be that useful in CC2 because just sending all the inputs over to the other side via underground wires would probably take up less space anyway.

There are some interesting things you could do with it though, you could modify it so there's only one input and a number display that controls it's delay. So you could essentially use two buttons to control any number of outputs (only 7 without changing the design)

Edit: Well it wouldn't be quite as simple as using a number display to control the delay, you'd need a series of nor latches or something to actually change the delay, the number display would just be to show what output you're currently controlling
My MSCC tileset: Felix Challenge My CC2 tileset

[Image: nlaNSog.png] [Image: wldHYRt.png]

Messages In This Thread
"Uart" level - by mobius - 16-May-2016, 6:31 PM
"Uart" level - by chipster1059 - 16-May-2016, 8:20 PM
"Uart" level - by FelixNemis - 16-May-2016, 9:57 PM
"Uart" level - by mobius - 22-May-2016, 3:22 PM
"Uart" level - by FelixNemis - 23-May-2016, 2:06 PM

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