Felix's CC2 tileset
File category: Tilesets

Here's my CC2 tileset.

Some of the tiles are heavily based off the CC2 or MS versions of the graphics, with my own twist, others are redrawn completely.

What's New in Version 2.0
  • Made floor mimics not look like troll faces lol

  • Helmet is a shield now

  • Made red custom floors and walls a bit easier to tell apart

  • Now much more colorblind friendly, if I missed anything let me know!
    lots of stuff changed, keys have shapes, and buttons are all different for example

Lots of minor changes


Attached Files Thumbnail(s)

.zip   flx_cc2_2_0.zip (Size: 206.72 KB / Downloads: 386)
My MSCC tileset: Felix Challenge My CC2 tileset

[Image: nlaNSog.png] [Image: wldHYRt.png]

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