IHNN's levels feedback/discussion (New inside: TradingPlaces, a collab with Josh!)
UC6 Feedback (36-47)

36. Pretty good level, I feel that we need more "choose your own adventure" type of levels.

37. Somewhat difficult, especially the ending and making sure not to cook the level by pushing a block in the wrong place.

38. Strange level I got to say.

39. I really liked this level: Plenty of great puzzles and has that great "red and green" aesthetic for a Christmas level. Good job on this one.

40. This one is 50/50: top sokoban is sort of a piece of cake but the bottom sokoban is a real toughie. Thanks to YASC (Yet Another Sokoban Clone) for helping me. Nevertheless I still like sokoban puzzles.

41. Another fantastic level, intro is unique and puzzles were fun to crack. I really liked the recessed wall with water section where you had to push blocks in between. Also, the ball section kind of reminded me of "Chip Away" from Pit of 100 tiles.

42. Looks really hard, but actually kind of easy.

43. Weird level at first but has creative mechanisms.

44. This level looks good aesthetically but this level is kind of difficult. Time limit is not too strict but it is easy to get lost and lose track of where to go and what parts you've covered.

45. Somewhat hard level, the puzzles on guiding the monsters into the bombs aren't straightforward.

46. Nice breather level from the recent difficult ones.

47. Another good level with memorable puzzles: Some puzzles I can think of are Steam (CC1), Chipmine (CC1), and Key Color (CCLP2). If there is any I missed let me know.

Almost there and hopefully be finished with the set for the next update. Slight smile

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IHNN's levels feedback/discussion (New inside: IHNN1, for CC2!) - by mmoraleta - 07-Jun-2017, 6:39 PM

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