February 2018 Create Competition - Walls of CCLP4
Ah, the joys of February. Some people look forward to skiing. Some perhaps wait for Valentine's Day. But what do Chipsters do? We wait for a Walls of Competition!

Your task is to pick a level from CCLP4 and use its arrangement of walls to create a new level. You can pick any level from the range #1-#149, then delete anything you want except for any walls, and finally rebuild it into a new level. If you wish, you can also pick another prominent tile in the level and replace it with some other tile exactly.

You might know the drill by now, on this our fifth year visiting this theme, but this time I thought we could be a bit more lenient on the rules. If you have already made a level that fits the criteria you may submit it here. I see three reasons to allow them this time around:

1) CCLP4 just came out under a year ago. (Not sure how that helps, but it is a factor that has not been true previously.)

2) I haven't yet seen any of these levels even if they have been released. (Assuming I will judge the competition this factors in.)

3) I was asked if this could be done this time. (I love to accommodate you all.)

Other than that, my main instruction is to keep your submissions fun. You may also write a short explanation on if and how a particular wall arrangement inspired your new level with those walls. (I don't think it will be extra credit directly, but it will give me more insight and perhaps appreciation for what you make, and I may take that into consideration in the rankings.)

The deadline is March 4th where you live. Please send your submissions to valeosote at hotmail dot com.

Ask away with any other questions!


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February 2018 Create Competition - Walls of CCLP4 - by M11k4 - 03-Feb-2018, 1:23 AM

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