11-Jul-2020, 8:51 PM
Yep, as they believe that the clubhouse is the place you go to before the afterlife (the afterlife's waiting room, if you will). They also believe that Chip is some spiritual guide. They also eat the blue keys for spiritual cleaning, while only touching the red key for good luck (eating the red key is a sin, but they can touch it), and altogether avoiding yellow/green keys (touching either of these keys is an automatic hell sentence). They can step on dirt and gravel, in the sence that it is possible, but the dirt and gravel is known to be stepped on by only the purest of heart. Also, even though monsters have genders, the ones in the clubhouse don't know that they do, and believe that cloning is the only form of reproduction. Cloning is to be avoided before marriage. Tanks can move around at their will, but believe that it is a sin to do so without permission, which is why they wait for a button press. Gliders are considered angels, and have been blessed with water resistance. Fireballs are impure souls, and can walk through fire without pain, like the demons in hell. Monsters also believe that traps are spots to rest on and reflect upon their good and bad deeds. The exit is the the tile, behind it, lies the authentic afterlife. No monster is to freely step through it, instead, they must wait for a voice to call them in. Finally, every monster is forgiven for killing Chip, as long as they did so on accident. Except the teeth, the teeth isn't even monsteranian, the teeth is just straight up satanic.
How many levels will it take for you to learn?
How many levels will it take for you to learn?