IHNN's levels feedback/discussion (New inside: TradingPlaces, a collab with Josh!)
Knocked out UC1-4, nearly done with 5 (Josh's LP has helped on a few of the more sinister levels, including tank room on Bug's Life).

One question on score reporting, having never done it before: the boards on Pieguy's page, are those exclusively for MS? I've gone through Lynx as much as possible, which *usually* makes for a longer time, but every now and then can improve.

Specifically Vermin (UC5 148). I've heard everywhere that 126 is the bold for MS, but managed 127 in Lynx. Should that be allowed on the board, or is there a separate board for Lynx, or how does that work?

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IHNN's levels feedback/discussion (New inside: IHNN1, for CC2!) - by bobdabaron - 06-May-2017, 7:49 PM

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