AndrewR1 feedback and discussion
Double post time, I guess it is!

Quote:19- Running

Don't like ice areas that are this large. And even after I was done with that, there was a lot of level left. Not a fan of this level.

You know, this level was actually originally made with an intentional bust, and it was originally named after what is probably the only intentionally busted level in CC1. Much like in that set, though, the bust relied on backwards boosting (and made the level too easy!), so it was scrapped - leaving this rather bizarre hybrid level behind.

Quote:20- Reducing

I love this! It's small and has a puzzle. I would argue that the time limit is not enough to figure out the puzzle part on the first try, making it really annoying to die to time just because I was thinking of the best approach. I like the amount of dodging and use of space.

Once again, you enjoy a level that is one of my least favourites in the set. See, unlike that other one you pointed out, I think this one really is too simple... but for some reason you don't. Weird, huh?

Quote:21- Icing

I couldn't make myself play through this again. I won't judge you for liking ice levels more than me.

The time limit really makes this level, though, since you need to literally memorize the correct moves (and perform them precisely!) to finish it. It's not really comparable to an ordinary ice level for that reason.

Quote:22- Reflecting

Why do I want to do the same room four times? What if I die in the third one? You want me to do it 7+ times? No thanks, I rather move on.

Eh, I recall someone else really liking this level, so I don't think it's that bad. There's also the interesting aspect of the teeth being able to exit their rooms once the respective chips are collected.

Quote:23- Reflecting II

The block pushing was not bad, but guessing like this is just stupid.

Seriously? I think you're the second person to say this about this level (unless it was you before), and I have to say I find it rather bizarre. I mean, I thought that the problem with guesswork in levels is that if you get it wrong, you would have to start all over again... but here the (only) guessing is performed within seconds at the very start! You're basically arguing for not having guesswork in levels at all, which I don't think is a reasonable stance to have. (Unless, of course, you're also talking about guessing where to push the blocks, in which case you should simply have checked from the respective corridors first - you can actually see the number of water spaces at each level from there.)

Quote:24- Escaping

Ok, so I'm supposed to count the toggle walls while avoiding the teeth monster, and then count the times the green button is pressed to match and dodge the Glider, all in just 50 seconds? I like the puzzle, but would much rather prefer if there was 500 seconds! Why do I want to race the clock when I am already racing the game elements? And if I mess up, I would rather try again, than restart the level. Solving the level as it is, I would feel more clever if I didn't think my solution was probably very much the same as anyone else's. I don't get this feeling if there is more leeway in the time and I am allowed to make mistakes. At the very least, you could have placed the level one slot earlier in the set to give me a hint on how far to count. In summary, I like the puzzle, but would like to see it executed a bit differently.

Ouch! So much criticism for what I think is a brilliant level. I'm beginning to see a pattern here... maybe you prefer levels that you can solve on the first attempt? I mean, I know MSCC encourages this with the whole "Yowser! First Try!" thing, but personally, I don't find creating a whole set of levels like that a good idea. (I'm also not sure what you're referring to in regards to the level number, as that's certainly not the number of times to count here.)

Quote:25- Puzzling

This would be much better if I could just see a bit more when solving the puzzles. As it is, I find myself guessing too often.

With 9 puzzles in a single level, it's rather difficult to let you see them in their entirety without making the puzzles very small and thus likely trivial. I'm really curious to hear what you think about the individual puzzles, though, as I think that some of them are extremely clever - would you mind reviewing each one individually?

Quote:26- Tempting

I like this. I especially like that the level is not longer. Someone might have used this room as a quarter of a larger level, but I think this puzzle is best as a complete level by itself.

I'm not sure if that's supposed to be a subtle joke at my expense, since I actually did combine this with another level at one point, but if it is... well done. As for the level itself, this is definitely one of the best in the set... it's so hard to pick an absolute favourite, though!

Quote:27- Timing

I don't like this. The challenge of the timing is not interesting enough to outway the monotony.

Yeah, again, with these timing levels I literally can't remember which one is which. Besides the teeth mechanism I mentioned before, IIRC this one also has the glider mechanism, which I also like and therefore used again as well.

Quote:28- Timing II

This is better, but still way way too large.

You know... for these three levels, I would really appreciate some feedback specifically in regards to making some changes that don't impact the levels too much but make them much more enjoyable. Let me know if you think of anything.

Any comments? Anyone? I'm waiting...
Check out my levelset: AndrewR1
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Messages In This Thread
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 01-Jan-2016, 12:14 PM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by M11k4 - 29-Jan-2016, 6:18 AM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 29-Jan-2016, 9:49 AM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by jblewis - 30-Jan-2016, 12:26 AM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 30-Jan-2016, 9:26 AM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 31-Jan-2016, 9:49 AM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 01-Feb-2016, 11:20 AM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by M11k4 - 04-Feb-2016, 2:36 PM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 20-Oct-2017, 2:30 PM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 20-Oct-2017, 4:15 PM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 20-Oct-2017, 4:48 PM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 21-Oct-2017, 12:55 PM
AndrewR1 feedback and discussion - by andyrkki - 22-Oct-2017, 7:16 AM

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