Tile World 1.3.1
I already started a list of CC1 Lynx/CC2 logic differences, but didn't really know where to put the list. I guess here will do. Slight smile

CC2, compared to (Tile World) CC1 lynx:
- boots can be dropped at will (now a togglable feature in the editor)
- wall slapping
- increased block slapping ability, e.g. moving L then holding RD to slap a block below
- shorter animation delay (about 1.25 moves); does not seem to be dependent on starting tick, but i'm not sure
- chips and boots are not exactly acting dirt: monsters can hit you while you're transitioning to the tile
- teeth seem to take your current position more precisely now, e.g. being 1.75 D, 2R from the teeth means horizontal first, regardless which direction you're going (see "Island", CC2 level 180); further testing needed
- backwards boosting allowed; teleports counted as sliding tiles for boosting purposes (+ special case for red and yellow teleports, but those aren't in CC1 so whatever)
- attempting and failing to override a force floor does not cost time; same with bumping into wall while sliding on ice (may be connected to wall-slapping)
- block sliding differences? (further testing needed)
- railroads required to desync blue tanks
- recessed walls come up when you step off instead of when you finish walking onto it; this apparently gives it inconsistent behavior
- can't hold blocks on ice
- can't enter a closed toggle wall the tick before it becomes open
- "truly" invisible walls appear as long as you're pressing against it (+ few ticks after)
- wires (and pink buttons) needed for arbitrary connections, otherwise pedantic
- chip count determined by chips in level rather than manually
- trap sliding absent, except in certain cases with brown buttons
- true multiple hints
- my March 2015 create competition level doesn't work ):

- clone & trap desync?
- "teleport-stacking" glitch in tw lynx? (and does this glitch exist in original lynx?)


Also, about a month or two ago i downloaded the Tile World 2.1 source code to see if i could fix the Lynx Chip-stuck-in-teleport bug and differences in block-slapping, but now that you're here, you can do that, right? Smiley
CCMiniLP, my CCLP1 submissions. Outdated, not recommended.
CCSignificantlyLargerLP, my CCLP4 submissions. More current than my main set.
Consistent Inconsistency (ongoing), my main CC1 custom set. (discussion)
RyanJ1.dat (ongoing), my main CC2 custom set. (discussion)
Mystery Project (unfinished) (previews)

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Messages In This Thread
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 24-Jul-2015, 8:48 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by random 8 - 25-Jul-2015, 3:47 AM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 25-Jul-2015, 11:21 AM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by Eric119 - 25-Jul-2015, 1:46 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 25-Jul-2015, 2:20 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 10-Sep-2015, 11:22 AM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by geodave - 10-Sep-2015, 3:03 PM
Tile World 1.3.1 - by breadbox - 10-Sep-2015, 10:47 PM

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