January 2012: Treasure Hunter Competition
I don't think with the levels made themselves, time will end up being an issue. Of course, there's some optimization work involved, but we'll try to see how we can do levels to distinguish Time Trial to Treasure Hunter, which I think I did pretty well with this level. Also, 10 seconds for a point, I think it can end up being forgiving to those who are not into time attack, but that rule might have to change for next competitions. Like I said, we'll see. Slight smileTeeth
Hello'v'ryone's'is' rockdet Ænigma Mælström (any word with æ because it's funny), master of non sequitur buckets!
My YouTube Channel
Rock-Alpha(It's a great game, Bill) 65 levels, including "Voices" and the world-infamous famous "Bloblake"!
Rock-Beta (You should try it, Bill) 50 levels, including "Unicorn Rabbit" and "The Sedna Suite" odyssey!
Rock-Gamma (Woah, really, Bill?!) 40 levels, including "Uncle duo ha ha ha ha ha" and many other surprises and what the actual f*** moments!
Teeth "We are after all in the future, where the past is king and the paste is ming." -raocow

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January 2012: Treasure Hunter Competition - by rockdet - 03-Jan-2012, 8:38 PM

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