Creating a .c2g file using built-in editor?
Not sure how to create one using the built-in editor.

I placed someone else's level directory in CC2 -> data-> games so it is alongside the main level set. However when I play the custom levels they appear to be sharing the same score file as the one used for the main game
A c2g File is a script, a text file, use a text editor of your choice to create or edit your own (e.g. vim).
For the basic structure look e.g. at play.c2g from 500.

If you have the cc2 folder as well as the the folder containing the custom c2g script of your set within the games folder, a new c2s and c2h file should be automatically created for the custom set, within its folder, as soon as you play it the first time.
If this is not the case, either you located the new folder not in the games folder, or the c2g script contains errors.

I think I'm getting the hang of this now Slight smile
I'm completely and utterly lost the game recognizes my c2g I've done everything I can think of it still loads cc2 level set and crashes. I've got 1 simple map and can't get it to load about to chock cc2 editor as crap you should be able to create a map set and the editor rate all the necessary files to play it if it's going to need extra files. So rediculous.
Since Version 2.0 of Chip's Challenge 2 this is possible Slight smile

No extra program/editor is necessary any longer to create a basic set, everything can be done from within the game:
  • Open CC2

  • Menu: File -> Editor

  • Open your level and make sure to record a solution, if you have already done so, press F3 to watch the full solution, and save the level.

  • Menu: Level Set -> New

  • Create a set by giving it a name an add your level to it, if you want to share it in the workshop, you need to add a preview image for the set in the dialog as well.

  • Share your level set Chip Win
Can I share an existing levelset to the workshop? Or does the workshop require levels to be verified and to have these steps followed?
You can share an existing levelset Slight smile

You can use Level Set -> Edit to add a preview image to it, as well as add or change levels in an existing set (as long as it doesn't contains advanced scripting options).

Just make sure that each level itself has a valid recorded solution, as described above, otherwise you can't upload the set to the workshop.

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