October 2017 Time Trial - Piecing it Together
Let's kick-off this season with a Time Trial!


The theme for this competition, Piecing it Together, has a double meaning.

First, the levels themselves are pieced together from other levels. The first level, Bargain Brinks
, is a take on a level called Brinks
by lookatthis; instead of nine rooms I picked my favorite four and combined them. I also added a few chips to the rooms and a mechanism that discourages flooding the rooms. The second level, Time Trial Mix III
, is a mix of time trial levels from 2010, creating a whole new challenge. I think it also comes together feeling a bit like those levels from back then, much like the previous two levels in this series.

Secondly, when you set out to plan a solution to either of these levels but particularly the first one, you need to stitch together separate parts of the solution. I considered offering smaller practice levels for each room of the first level but as there was toggles involved and other complexities, I felt it was best to leave that up to you. I do want to stress though that you should create such versions of the level yourself to practice on. I didn't even make it possible for you to practice the rooms out of order, so to maximize your enjoyment with this level, don't force yourself to play the same rooms over and over again in linear order, but rather practice and plan them out separately first. The second level may be attacked similarly with couple of the sections, but it's not quite as necessary if you aren't going for the absolute best time. The point is that any good optimizer should learn to make use of their editor to practice different parts of a level, and if you haven't done that before you should try it with these levels.

The main competition will be in MS, but I think this time we can safely throw in any Lynx solutions to the same pool. (This means the levels are probably solved quicker in MS, but if you submit a Lynx solution, I won't rank them separately.) The deadline for this competition is the end of October. I might award some extra Chip Cup points if you get your solutions in early. You can send them to me at valeosote at hotmail dot com. See below for more technical details.

That's mainly what I had in mind. I'm excited that CCLP4 has been out for some months now and we can start something like this without needing to fear everyone still being busy on that. Don't get me wrong, I certainly am not yet done with CCLP4, but feel like something like this complements working on that nicely. Will love to hear any and all feedback and thoughts you have on these levels. Keep your eye out for more competitions starting soon!



More technical details:

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1. Bacorn_________ 13
pts 276 + 446 = 722

1. James__________ 13
pts 275 + 447 = 722

3. Ihavenoname248 10
pts 270 + 442 = 712

<div style="color:#282828">
4. M11k4__________ 8
pts 266 + 429 = 695 LX

5. rubenspaans____ 7
pts 262 + 413 = 675 LX

Congrats to our joint winners! Bacorn also submitted a very nice solution of 467 on the bonus level. My own MS times were 276+434=710, but I chose ahead of time to only consider my Lynx times as I adjusted the design of the first level to fit my solution and end in a score that uses the full last second (i.e. a .0 or -.8); though my poor score on the second level would still have ranked me in the same spot. Thanks to all participants!

I'm sadly pressed for time as I write this, so I'll upload the solutions in a few days. As a tease, I'll mention that we have three different solutions to the fourth room in Bargain Brinks
that all take the same amount of time. I'll also try to start the next time trial soon, though ideally we would fix the problem of the downloads on the site first.

tfw you finally qualify for the Doppleganger award but CC Zone was just upgraded to remove awards Fail High-five, Bacorn! Well done for taking on the challenge of the third level as well. Looking forward to seeing all the solutions Slight smile Thanks for running the competition, Miika.
Videos of the submission! I probably spent more time editing these than everyone combined will watch them, but it was fun. My favorite part is the comparison between the Lynx solutions of the first level. What's yours? And of course you have to appreciate how James didn't miss a boost on the second level in MSCC.

Actually, in that AVI I missed three spring slides Wink

(one on the first ice/ball slide that would have been lost waiting for the second slide; one on the second slide that would have been lost to a deliberate [1] wait before the 4th fireball clone; one at the end of the lock section which would have been lost to a fireball at the end)
How did I upload the wrong avi?? Glad it evens out, but still, I didn't mean to post this one. How do I now convince you that your extra effort wasn't useless? I enjoyed seeing it!

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