Nanamin's challenge
I hope you don't mind me making a topic but one was not made and I really wanted to leave some comments on this pack and there's no where else to do it.

excellent levelpack so far! Lots of cool levels with unique and interesting concepts. This pack was the perfect difficulty for me. There were few levels I did not enjoy!

my favorites were:
Outbreak, shovel team, doublecross, antiswap zone, ant nest, forking paths, dual core, the dual, I have not yet finished; I will post more when I do

1-13 was a new type of puzzle to me; very interesting!
my CC2 sets: Mobi's Challenge (166 levels)
Walls of CCLP2 (V2) presently: ~50 levels

"Not knowing how near the truth is, we seek it far away."
-Hakwin Rinzai

"Yeah, well, that's just, like, your opinion, man"
-'The Dude' Lebowski
Just in case not everyone saw it, there is a blog entry from Joshua Bone about this set and a LP with some words on every level as well.

It feels like the set Light and Dark was designed with this feedback in mind, and I enjoyed playing through it.
(I hope now that cclp4 voting is over, and all have time to focus cc2 again, all the new sets will get a lot of downloads - especially here, just one other person downloaded the set since release Flushed)

Since I wrote already some words to Nanamin's challenge in the comments of the blog, some quick review of Light and Dark:
EXTRACTION: A nice short puzzle, and one of the trickier levels of the set Slight smile
FORTRESS: Even though the hint says, the push up wall maze is not strict, it's pretty strict for this type of level...
FIREWALL: Even though it is on the easy side, it is my favorite of this set Thumbs up(the hint feels redundant, since the whole level is about those tiles, it's really just giving the player a clue about the level after they solved it already) I really like that you can run around and see everything you have to do in advance.
CLAUSTROPHOBIA: The levels visual appearance is really nice, but is busted in several ways. First, wire through buttons doesn't work over corners, those are two different circuits, it's the same as wires crossing vertically and horizontally a tile. But even if you therefore just need eight blocks, it's still pretty tedious, two blocks per side would be more than enough. Even if you would take all twelve blocks to their buttons, you still wouldn't need the toggle button or the doors, there is no reason to take a different path with any block, and as a result the push up walls can be used as shortcuts whenever you want to.
CHICKENS AND EGGS: Again a great level Sunglasses Even though I see why the fire is under the block at the bottom, I didn't like this design decision to much, gameplay should always come over esthetics. There is a small bust regarding obtaining the first blocks, since you have two players, you don't need the clever user of the hook to get them, you could extend the walls inwards to avoid this if you want, and the wiring is way over-complicated - even though it looks cool, it probably would be better if cleared up a bit.

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